Good Morning Glades! PT 2

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-Picks up right where we left off, opens up in the Glades in front of an Old Warehouse-

-Kahndaqs POV-

She tumbled a little on the ground after leaping to freedom from the caged Limo ride, she swiftly turns over and lands in a kneeled position holding out her firm grasp on her case. She made her way to the gate of the abandoned facility. Taking a few steps back she readied for a charge, she printed and leaped up over the gate which was as a mere 10 feet to her. She advanced towards the large entrance and unlocked it with a special key....hint, it was her fists.

I came back with a mission


No, to right the wrongs of my father and his!


NO! We take revenge on those who corrupt my city


"STOP!!!!" she screamed in pain as her mind was torn into two. Right, wrong. Good, bad. She tore down and rebuilt the inside of the facilities basement. She plugs in the electrical system as her base lights up. She sets in place a Salmon Ladder and starts working out. Her mind cutting in and out until suddenly, everything went black.

The water thrashed about as she grasped and flailed her arms around until she found a piece of the Gambits hull to cling to. Her eyelids gained a sudden weight and persisted until she gave in to the desperate slumber. A sudden pain in her leg pulsed energy through her frail body as her eyes shot open. Taking in her surroundings she looked below her and saw a murky beast gnawing on her leg. Blood trailed across the blue water. Her first instinct was to yell out in pain and for help "HELP ME!! SOMEONE!!" her voice was filled with agony and pain laced with fear and uncertainty. Her eyes drifted ahead to an island littered with trees and mountains and a beach. A figure in the distance was the last thing she saw before the blood loss kicked in.

She gasped deeply, taking in oxygen. Her eye flickered open, she was on the ground of her base, right below her Salmon Ladder. She looked at her leg which had bite scars on it, those scars held memories he wished she could forget. As she regained her senses, her hearing picked up on a faint clanging of the gate out front. Hastily, she put on her "costume". Her final piece was her helmet, just as she had got her helmet on a familiar face walked through the door. To not give away her identity, she had to fake not knowing Oliver "Who's there!?" her helmet transformed her vocal cords to a distorted deep voice to conceal who she really was. "I-I was just checking my.... fathers old warehouse?" his voice lead higher and higher turning his statement into a question. She saw through his blatant lie "I'm calling bull!" She called back with confidence. His eyes lit up with a memory and a notion "Hey, aren't you that guy who saved me and Tommy earlier aren't you?" She scoffed in an attempt to hide the fact that she didn't think he would remember. "Yeah? And? Just go home Queenie!" His eyes glinted with curiosity, she could just see his gears grinding until it clicked, that dangerous dangerous click. "Wait a damn minute, only two people call me that and that is my sister and Kahndaq Merlyn. Now, I know damn well that you aren't under there Thea, so you must be Kahndaq. Am I right?" he sternly questioned. Quickly sighing she pressed against her neck and the helmet disassembled itself.

"Hey, Ollie."

{AN: OMG TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY!!?!?!?! No, you are NOT dreaming or having a nightmare!! Please comment and vote on how you feel about this! Thank you sooo much to My friends:  MAMASITA {AKA:Queen}, Shy-Bean{AKA:Bumblenoid}, Smol-Bean{AKA: DisgracefulChild}, Alexis, and Lcheeta!!! You know who you are!}

~LoTs O LoVe~

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