Chapter 26

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.:: Hello everyone! Okay so i want to hear from you guys how you are enjoying the book. So spill it. How is it? Should i continue writing? Do you like cake? I mean anything guys, comment anything. Please, please, please, please, please vote for my book. Either one. I would be so grateful! Y'all are amazing, don't ever forget it. Oh, please share my book with anything that breathes. Yes that means you with the plant in your room. Go tell it to read my book! Okay whatever. I love y'all so much! Happy reading! Talk to you later loves. XOXO ::.

Grayson's P.O.V.

Grayson, wake up.

Go away Jace.

She's here.

I open my eyes too quickly and am blinded shortly by the sunlight. Abi is here. Finally after almost 2 months, my beautiful baby girl is here. I run to the front door and open it as wide as it can go. I see Raven and Jaxon walking a group of people towards my house. I can't see Abigayle. I walk down the front steps and stop the group form moving any further. Then i hear her sweet voice. "Marcus move your large body out of my way." Then i see her. She looks just as beautiful as before. The only difference now is the huge belly that sticks out in front of her. I run to her and pull her close to me. I bury my head into her hair and squeeze her closer to me. I pull away a little bit to kiss her full on the mouth. Oh my Moon Goddess how I've missed her. After kissing her lips, i kiss her everywhere. "Grayson, cut it out." She says while giggling. I give her one final kiss on her lips before letting go of her.

"And who might these people be?"

Miranda's P.O.V.

"Abigayle, wake up. We're here." I shake my best friend who has fallen asleep against the window. She jumps out of her seat at the sound of my voice. We all pile out of the car and grab our bags. Two very large men walk towards us. I can't help but stare at the large dark haired boy who is smirking at me. When our eyes meet, heat rushes to my cheeks. Mate. Anda tells me. This handsome man is my mate. Yay! I skip over to him and slip my hand into his. I hear Abi giggle behind me so i turn around to send her a death glare. We walk down the dead end road towards a giant mansion. Once we near the house the door is thrown open by, the only guy it could be, Grayson. He walks down the steps and stops us. "Marcus move your large body out of my way." Abigayle says. She walks closer to him and he scoops her up. I turn to the man standing next to me, he's staring down at me. I send him a smile.

"Mine." He says.

"I'm all yours." I tell him.

"And who might these people be?"

Abigayle's P.O.V.

"These are my friends that helped me escape. That's Marcus, his mate Cody, Miranda and you know Casey and Molly. They are joining our pack." I tell him, pointing out each one.

"Wait, why was Casey there?" Grayson asks me. I feel him tense beneath my grip.  I turn to face him placing my hand on his chest.

"Grayson listen, what matters is that i am here now, and he helped me. I have forgiven him, please don't worry about it." I tell him. He immediately comes down and lets out an irritated sigh.

"Fine, but only for you my gorgeous pregnant Luna." He says kissing my forehead and then my belly. He turns to my friends, looking them over. "Welcome to the pack. This here is the pack house, there are empty rooms, there are also empty houses on this street where the pack lives. So if any of you that are mated would like to move into a house. Go ahead. I will be stealing Abigayle away from you all for the rest of our lives." Miranda lets out a giggle. "So good night. And thank you, all of you. For bringing her back to me." I say good night to my friends and follow Grayson into the house, and up to our room. "Abi?" Grayson asks me as i take off Marcus' sweatpants and sweatshirt so that i am only wearing my bra and underwear.

"Yeah Grays?"

"Can you just stay in that?" He asks me in a whine almost.

I laugh. "Sure Grayson." I climb into the bed and sit there. I watch Grayson as he strips down into just his underwear and makes his way over to the bed.

"Abi why didn't you tell me?"

"I tried remember in the closet? And then Jace needed you. I didn't see you after that. So i didn't really get the chance. I'm sorry." I look down at my hands that are resting on my belly.

"You don't have to apologize. I am so excited to be a dad." I look up at his grinning face. "I really am Ab. Only a few more months right?" He asks.

Werewolves are not pregnant for 9 months like mundanes are. Our pups grow much faster and are much stronger than a mundane child so we werewolves are only pregnant for 7 months. "Yeah 3 months left." I tell him.

He places his hand on my stomach and leans close to it. "Hi baby, it's Daddy. You are going to be the most loved baby in the whole world. Your Mommy and I love you so very much and can't wait to meet you. I love you." He then places a sweet kiss on my belly. He lays back on the bed pulling me with him. I lay down with my back against his firm chest. He lays his arm across my waist and pulls me close to him. "Good night Abigayle. I love you."

"I love you Grayson Adam." I tell him.

"Not more than i love you Abigayle Rebeca. Go to sleep my love." And with his beautiful, sweet words i close my eyes and drift off into a peaceful sleep.

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