Chapter 36

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.:: Hello everyone! So i know in the first book i said i would be making a trailer, well as it turns out I'm not very good at it. So if any of you would want to make one, that would be really cool! If not that's cool too! Let me know if you do!!! Alright so y'all know how much i love you but i just want to thank you for all your support. You have no idea how much i appreciate y'all. Please keep voting, commenting and sharing! Happy reading! Talk to you later loves. XOXO ::.

Abigayle's P.O.V.

I sense Grayson enter the room and know that something is wrong. I open my eyes and stare at him. He looks around the room carefully. I know that his actions have something to do with Cal, but i can't bring myself to ask him about it now. I am too tired. Who knew giving birth to twins would be tiring? I feel the bed dip down and i let out a sigh as Grayson drapes his arm over my middle. I hear his light snoring in minutes and smile to myself. My happy thoughts are instantly gone when i remember Grayson's worried expression. I know it's late, but i can't contain my curiousity any longer so i mid-link Jace. Jace, why is Grayson so tense and worried?

"He didn't tell you?" Jace asks me. Now i know something is up. And my senses are telling me that I'm not going to like it.

No he didn't. What's going on?

"With all due respect Luna, i really should let him tell you." Jace can't tell me? This must be really serious. But if it was serious, then why would Grayson just go to sleep without telling me. And why can't Jace tell me? "I'm sorry Abigayle, but He really should be the one to tell you." He adds when i don't respond.

Okay thank you Jace. Can you and Clare come visit later?


I doze off again and i think i am asleep for 10 minutes when i hear the sound of crying. I smile before shaking Grayson awake. He mumbles and groans as i throw the blankets off of the both of us. I walk towards the crib and smile down at my boys. Two arms wrap around my waist and pull me to their chest. Grayson sighs into my ear and kisses my cheek. "Good morning Gorgeous." He says with a smile. My cheeks become very hot and he chuckles at me. I push him off of me and pout. He kisses the tip of my nose and then bends down into the crib and cradles Garrett. I do the same with Grantt. We change their diapers and bring them down to the kitchen to make them bottles. When we walk into the kitchen we are greeted by most of my friends. Cody, Marcus, Molly and Clare all surround me and coo over the babies. I am holding both of them now that Grayson is making bottles, and Marcus squeals.

"Can i hold one?!?!? PLEASE!?!?!?!" He begs.

"Don't squish him." I warn, handing him Garrett. Cody stands behind Marcus and looks at Garrett over Marcus' shoulder. Seeing the two of them with a baby is a very funny sight. The two giant men holding and cooing over a newborn. My attention is brought back to Molly and Clare as they argue over who holds Grantt first. Clare won- of course- and i hand my son over to my best friend. I watch my friends with my boys,not that i don't trust them, it's just Ayle won't let me leave.

Watch them like a hawk. They are special.

What do you mean by special? I ask her.

The Moon Goddess has given them gifts. You won't be introduced to them until they're older but it is magnificent. She tells me.

I look into the kitchen and see Grayson, Casey and Jace standing in a circle and whispering. Grayson looks furious as he listens to the two men talk. His eyes are starting to change, i can tell from all the way over here. I wonder what is making him so angry. Feeling like he is being watched, Grayson snaps his head up and looks around. His eyes meet mine and they return to their green color. He lets out a sigh, and a smile crawls on to his face. He's hiding something and i will get to the bottom of it.

.:: Hey, so i realize that this is a short chapter. I'm sorry i promise more tomorrow! Talk to you later loves. XOXO ::.

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