Chapter 21

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.:: Hello everyone! Welcome to book two! Just so everyone knows this is book two, So if you are new readers you should check out the first book so you won't be confused! For those of you who have read Please, welcome back! Let's start in on the story. I'm still looking for a fandom name, so if any of you think of anything let me know! Please vote, comment and share! Happy reading. Talk to you later loves. XOXO ::.

Abigayle's P.O.V.

I don't remember passing out but i wake up in an unfamiliar place. I am laying on a cold concrete floor looking up at a white ceiling. I sit up and lean against a wall. I look around. It appears to be some sort of cell. All three walls are white and there are bars holding me in the room. There isn't much light and it's really hard to see. "You're up. Finally." I hear a deep voice say. I look for the voice and see a dark figure by a stairwell. "Are you hungry? I can get you some food before Cal comes down here if you want." The figure walks towards me, i back up as far as i can go. "You don't have to be afraid of me. I'm not going to hurt you." He steps into the light. He is very tall and has broad shoulders. He has deep brown eyes and spiky black hair with a little bit of red. His arms are covered in tattoos. He doesn't look too scary, if it weren't for the tattoos i would probably mistake him for a big cuddly bear. "I'm Marcus by the way. Abigayle you could really use some food. What would you like?"

I decide that i can trust him. "How long have i been out?"

"Three days." He tells me.

Three days? Oh my Moon Goddess. My stomach growls and i look back to Marcus. He smiles at me. "Anything you have would be perfect." I tell him.

"Great. I'll be right back. And Cal will be down. He'll want to know that you're awake." I cringe at the mention of Cal. Marcus disappears up the staircase and returns a few minutes later. He is carrying a tray which looks to hold a couple of sandwiches and a water bottle. "Here you go." He says sliding the tray through the hole in the door. "Cal will be here any minute."

I eat two of the four sandwiches in minutes. Then i hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I look up and see Cal smiling down at me. "Well would you look at that. My Princess has finally woken from her slumber." He says with an even bigger smile. But i ignore what he says because my attention is on the person that is standing behind Cal. I know him. And i have never felt more betrayed in my life.

"Casey?" i ask in disbelief.

"Oh that's right. I forgot that you two know each other. Yes Abigayle it is your life long friend. Casey don't be shy, say hello." Cal says, pulling Casey to his side.

"I am so sorry Abi. I can explain." He says.

"I don't want to hear it." I say with tears forming in my eyes. I turn to Cal. "What am i doing in here? What exactly do you want from me, Cal?" I yell.

"I want to make my brother suffer. You know that."

"But why am i in here? As in this cell. Am i a prisoner or something?"

"Until we can trust that you won't run away." He says nodding his head.

"Please Cal. Can't i have a room? You can have someone watch me 24/7 if you must but i really can't stay down here. It's not healthy, i could get sick."

"Well i certainly don't want that to happen." He says. "Marcus, let her out. But i want Molly and you with her at all times. Do you understand?" Marcus nods. Wait Molly? Of course she's here, she'd follow Casey anywhere. Marcus unlocks the cell and walks towards me. He bends down and picks me up in his arms. I'm grateful that he is carrying me because truthfully, i don't know if i'd be able to walk. He carries me up the stairs and into a house. He carries me up two more sets of stairs and into a bedroom. The room is huge and there are two queen sized beds in here. He sets me down on one of the beds and steps back.

"I am so sorry that this is happening to you." He says looking at me through sad eyes.

Before he can answer, Molly walks into the room and looks up from the floor. Her eyes widen at the sight of me and she runs to my bed. "Abi what are you doing here?" She asks.

"Like you don't already know." She looks truly confused. Did they not tell her? "Cal kidnapped me. And apparently Casey and everyone here was in on it. So don't stand there and play dumb."

"Casey? I knew he was up to something but he never explained in detail. They only told me that i had to watch over our new guest. I had no idea you were here." She looks to Marcus. "How long has she been here?"

"Three days." He tells her. "She needs to be looked after. She hasn't eaten much and she might be a little dehydrated."

Molly nods her head, making her bright red locks bounce. She comes closer to me. "I am so sorry that you're here." She then turns around and leaves the room.

Marcus turns to me. "You can have that bed, Molly can have the other and I'll take the floor. The bathroom is over in that corner if and when you need it. I'm here if you need anything. I understand if you hate me, but i really am sorry and only want to help."

"If you want to help me, then help me escape." I plead.

"I can't do that. My mate would get in huge trouble. Cal already doesn't like him as it is."

"Then you must not really want to help me. I have been taken from my mate. Can you imagine how that feels? Well it feels like shit. I miss him and i can't talk to him anymore. And that's all because of you and your friends." I yell at him. He flinches at my tone.

"That should wear off."


"The serum. It should wear off soon. I'm sure Cal doesn't know. I'm sorry you can't speak to your mate. Especially in your condition." He tells me.

He can't know. "My condition?" I try playing dumb.

"Yeah your pregnant. I can see the little bump. Plus the Alpha power I'm getting from you is really strong." He smiles at me. "Does Grayson know?"

"No. He doesn't." I say sadly.

"Well I'll take care of you, until you get back to him. I have to go get my things from mine and Cody's room but I'll be right back." Marcus tells me. He leaves the room and i hear him lock the door. If Marcus can tell just by looking at me, can others tell that I'm pregnant? I hope not. I try mind-linking Grayson but it doesn't work. Ayle whimpers at the absence of our mate. I need to escape but how?

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