Chapter 27

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.:: Hello everyone! So Abi and Grayson are back together. Thoughts? You know sometimes i think that I'm just talking to myself. My sister says that i am. Please don't make her right. Please comment anything you want. Ask me questions if you'd like. I promise i will answer all of you! Anyways don't forget to vote, comment, and share share share. Happy reading! Talk to you later loves. XOXO ::.

Abigayle's P.O.V.

It felt good waking up in Graysons arms. But i really needed to pee. The baby was jumping up and down on my bladder, or so it seemed. I picked up Graysons arm carefully and tried removing it from my waist. He started to moan and kick his feet. "No Abi. Don't. Abi." He cried out in his sleep.

"Shh, shh Grayson it's okay. I'm right here. Grayson wake up. I'm okay. See." I say, wiping his wet curly hair off of his sweaty forehead. His eyes shoot open with fear, but return back to normal when he sees that I'm right here. I kiss his forehead. "I have to pee. Like it's an emergency." He releases me and i jump off the bed running to the bathroom. I don't even bother shutting the door, I'm in such a rush. Grayson follows me into the bathroom and starts brushing his teeth. "Grayson you don't need to come in here with me. I'm okay."

"I don't want to lose you again so you'll be staying in my sight for awhile, until i can be at ease." He says after spitting.

I run my hands up and down his back, "I'll be okay. I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I reach for my toothbrush and begin brushing my teeth. Afterwards i let my hair fall to it's naturally curly self and leave the bathroom with Grayson right on my heels. Grayson walks over to the dresser and gets out a pair of sweatpants for me and one of his t-shirts. He throws on some jeans and a black fitted t-shirt. We both walk downstairs to meet everyone in the kitchen. Raven scoops me up into a giant hug and holds me off the ground against his chest for a few minutes before Grayson clears his throat. Raven sets me down and apologizes to Grayson. I pour myself some orange juice and grab a slice of bacon.

"Oh my Moon Goddess! You're back! I have been so worried. Abi i am so sorry. This is all my fault. I couldn't protect you, i am so sorry." Clare runs up to me and squeezes me to her.

"Clare-Bear it wasn't your fault. I am okay. See. Perfectly okay. Plus i brought back some friends." I show off my new friends to her. "That's Marcus, Cody, Miranda and i returned dun-da-da-da Casey and Molly!" I give her my best jazz hands.

"Returned? Why would you bring him back here? He helped kidnap you, how do you trust him?"

"Clare, I'm your twin. Have a little faith in me." Casey says.

"Pfft. Please, have a little faith in me. I brought him back here. He didn't want to come back." Molly says.

"Well why did you?" Grayson asks angrily.

"That place is awful, and Cal is a pathetic little loser, that i didn't want Casey to be associated with. I hope it's okay that we're here." Molly answers him.

"If he doesn't want to be back, than he can go. But i know it means a lot to Abigayle, and Clare even though she doesn't want to admit it. The choice is yours." Grayson says to Casey.

"I'd like to stay." Casey says.

I smile at him. "Good. Now who wants to help us paint today?" Marcus asks cheerfully.

"I would love to paint. Grayson please, can i?" I beg. I use the puppy dog eyes and he gives in way to easily.

"Yes. But you will look after her." He says to Marcus.

"Like a hawk, Sir." Cody says with a smile and a little salute.

Grayson cracks a smile, but turns around as soon as it appears. He starts walking upstairs. "I have some paper work to go through. Please be careful. I'll be checking on you." He yells down to me over his shoulder.

I turn to my friends. "Lets go shopping."

Grayson's P.O.V.

I open the door to my office and see Jace asleep at my desk. He has been sleeping in here all week. That boy never leaves. I think about drawing on his face, but decide not to. Instead i get a bucket of warm water and place his hand in it. He instantly jumps up and runs to the bathroom. I can't contain my laughter as i watch my best friend run like a little girl afraid of a spider. He comes back into my office a few minutes later and hits me over the head. "Not funny Grayson."

"Actually it was funny. I wish i had recorded it." I say with a laugh. "So how is the training going?"

"Great! All of our best fighters are ready for battle any time now." Jace tells me.

"Good, good. Because that is going to be soon." I tell him with an evil grin.

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