Chapter 28

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.:: Hello everyone! So i have been getting a lot more comments and votes so thank y'all very much. I'm going to be a little greedy/selfish and ask for more! Is that selfish? I don't care. I love you guys and your comments so please, keep 'em coming. Y'all are amazing. Please vote, comment and share. Happy reading! Talk to you later loves. XOXO ::.

Miranda's P.O.V.

"Lets go shopping." Abi says. She reaches for Marcus' hand and drags him towards the garage. I reach for Raven's hand and follow after my only friend. Once we are all in the car with Raven and I up front, Abi, Marcus and Cody on the back, i can't stop staring at my gorgeous mate. With his light brown skin and his dark jet black hair. His grey eyes sparkling in the sunlight. It was a good thing we were going to Lowes, because since i was moving in with him, we need to redecorate. I'm not saying that it's awful now, but, oh who am i kidding, it'awful. He catches me staring at him and smiles. We arrive at the store after 15 minutes of listening to my brother and Cody fight over a color for the living room. The three in the back race into the store and just as i am about to get out, Raven locks the door, not allowing me to leave.

Abigayle's P.O.V.

The couple and i walk directly to the paint section. The two have been arguing over a deep plum color, or forest green. I like the plum better but i don't voice my opinion. When we reach the paint section, they are still arguing. My head is filled with mumbling again. I let out an irritated sigh and close my eyes for a second before opening them. "Will you knock it off? My Moon Goddess, you have been fighting over a color for nearly 20 minutes. Just pick the plum color and move on." I yell.

Both of them stand there shocked. The voices in my head have disappeared for the time being, and i am enjoying the peace and quiet. "We're sorry Abi. We didn't mean to fight in front of you, i know that's not good for the baby." Marcus says.

"Yeah we're real sorry Abi." Cody says, he then turns to Marcus. "She's right the plum color would look great, and i only want you to be happy." Marcus lets out a squeal and kisses Cody, making him turn red. I laugh at the interaction between the two. We pick out the other colors and move on to floors. We were probably at Lowes for 4 hours before we finally walked back out to the car. Miranda and Raven were waiting in the car for us. The sexual tension in the vehicle was so thick, i could cut it with a knife. No one spoke the whole ride home and i was grateful. The mumbling was back and it was starting to get really annoying. We finally arrived back at the pack house. My friends refused to let me carry anything, convincing me that it wasn't safe. I parted ways with my friends promising to help tomorrow. I walked up the front steps to the pack house. The second i closed the door i was grabbed and held tightly. I could smell him and the tingles running through me was outrageous. Something is wrong. He's crying.

"Grayson what's wrong?" I ask into his chest.

"We got another letter. It was a threat Ab. It said that i need to take better care of the things important to me. I thought you were gone again." He says through sobs.

"Grays," I rub my hands on his back. "I'm okay. Look I'm right here and I'm okay."

"There's something else." He says pulling me away from him. I missed the closeness and moaned a little. "It's about your parents. They're dead."

"What?" He didn't say what i think he just said. There's no way. "How, who?"

But i already knew the answer to my question. "Cal."

That sick son of a bitch went after my family. He is going down.

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