Chapter 33

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.:: Hello everyone! So i am really sorry about the last chapter. I really disappointed myself. But i have taken a step back and rethought some things so hopefully, the next chapters will be much better. Again i am so sorry. Please vote, comment and share! Happy reading! Talk to you later loves. XOXO ::.

One Month Later

Abigayle's P.O.V.

I miss home, i do, but Australia is awesome. We've been here a month and everyone loves it here. It's so beautiful. Our house is a huge mansion at the end of a dead end street just like back home, but i honestly love it. The only downfall to the move is Cal. Once a day Grayson goes down in the cells to talk to him. He always returns super sad or angry. My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming upstairs. I know it's Grayson because he's really the only one who comes up here other than Jace or Clare, and they both are out exploring. Grayson storms into our bedroom and throws his leather jacket against the chair seated in front of the fireplace. "Grays, what happened?"

"Cal that's what happened." He says angrily.

"What did he say this time?" Cal is always saying things to set him off.

"Nothing. He said nothing the whole time. Just sat there, grinning like an idiot. He's hiding something, i know it, but the worthless little shit won't talk." He says while pacing around the room. I get off of the bed and walk over to him. I stop his pacing and place my palms on his chest and look into his eyes. He lets out a sigh of relief and his gold eyes are no longer staring at me but his green eyes are. "How do you do that?" He asks with a smirk.

"If i told you, it wouldn't be so mind blowing." I tease him. He laughs, but it's not his normal laugh and his eyes aren't sparkling like usual. Call it my Luna powers or whatever you want, but something is wrong. "Grayson?" I say seriously. "What aren't you telling me?"

His expression changes to concern. "I'm scared."

Grayson is never scared. "Scared for what? What's happening?" I ask him with a tone of worry.

"Next week Ab. Next week is your due date, and i'm scared that i'm going to be just like my dad." He pauses to read my reaction and continues. "I don't want my son or daughter to grow up hating me, because i made the wrong choice." He says looking to the ground.

I put two fingers under his chin and bring his face so that he is looking at me. "Hey, you are going to be an amazing father. Okay? Our child is going to love you because i love you. You have nothing to worry about okay? Please be strong, for both of us, because i'm not going to be strong then. I believe in you Grays." He leans in towards me and plants a kiss on my lips.

"Thank you." He says with a shy smile.

The Following Monday

Grayson's P.O.V.

Pacing. That's all I've been doing ever since we came downstairs to see the pack doctor. The Doc comes out and tells me i can see her. I walk into the room and look over at my beautiful mate with confusion in my eyes. "False alarm." She tells me with a smile.

I let out a breath i didn't know i was holding in. The Doc tells us we can leave and i bring Abi back to bed. I find myself walking down to the cells. It's 3:30 am and i definitely won't be able to sleep after that adrenaline rush, so i think i should give my baby brother a visit. I turn the lock on the door that leads to the hallway to the cells. I step into the hallway and can smell the repulsive scent before i even see him. I dismiss Raven for a few minutes and walk up to the bars. I look in and see Cal sitting tied up to a chair in the middle of the small cell. His eyes are wide open and bloodshot. He has dark circles under his eyes from not sleeping and there are cuts and bruises covering his face and arms. "What brings you here brother?" He says. "Coming to tell me you have named your offspring after me? I'm touched, really i am."

"Now why would i tell you anything about my family?" I spit at him.

"Ouch. That one hurt."

"I know you're hiding something from me Cal, just tell me what it is and maybe i'll untie you."

"Not a chance, brother."

"You are disgusting and a major disappointment. Mom would be so disappointed." I say.

"Too bad she's dead. Well at least Dad can come visit- oh wait, no he can't because he's dead too." Cal says with a grin.

My blood is boiling and Ayson is itching to rip his throat out. "Don't speak about my parents, ever."

"But they were my parents too Grayson."

"If you don't stop talking about mom and dad i'll-"

"You'll what Grayson?" He cuts me off. "Tell me how you'll beat me some more. Or better yet how you'll order someone else to do it because you don't have the guts. Great choice Dad." He yells the last part looking to the ceiling. "You know Grayson, i had started to forgive you. I realized that Dad's decision wasn't your fault. It was Dad's lack of judgment that got him and mom killed." That's it. I go over to the wall, and hit the big red button on the wall. Then silver in the form of gas comes pouring from the ceiling inside his cell. I look away as he starts to cry out in pain. His screams echo throughout the whole room. Someone taps me on the shoulder, and i open my eyes to find Raven behind me.

"Alpha? Are you okay?" He asks me.

"Yeah i'll be fine. If he starts talking, call me." I say before leaving the basement, not bothering to look back at my brother writhing in the chair in pain. Stay strong Grayson. It had to be done. Alpha's must stay strong. I repeat my father's words over and over in my head. I straighten my posture and walk back to mine and Abi's room and climb into bed, not even bothering with the comforter.

Stay strong Grayson. It had to be done. Alpha's must stay strong.My last and only thought before drifting off to sleep.

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