Chapter 40

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.::Hello everyone! So this is the final chapter of Help. I am in the process of starting the third book. So please be patient with me! If any of you are interested in creating a trailer for the first book or for this one please don't hesitate to inbox me. Because i am not very good at it. I tried and failed miserably. So let me know! Please continue to vote, comment and share! I hope y'all like the ending of this book and continue reading the trilogy. Don't forget to check out my new book Falling. Happy reading! Talk to you later loves. XOXO::.

Grayson's P.O.V.

The five of us track Cal's scent to a little Diner in the middle of a small town. We shift back to our human form and walk towards the diner. Looking around, i see no other small businesses, only a slim road leading into the small town. I walk up the steps first and notice that all of the lights are off inside. Something isn't right. That's when i see it. A small envelope on the railing. I grab the envelope and tear it open.

Dearest Grayson,

Do you ever learn dear brother? I bet you are standing in front of the diner, reading this note, surrounded by your closest friends who happen to be your best fighters. I also would like to bet that your beautiful Luna is home alone with your child. Realization is about to hit you. Yes, i have brought you here as a distraction. By the time you get back to your pack, they'll all be dead. Including Abigayle. If only Dad was around to scold you for leaving your pack unprotected. Well I'm sure I'll be seeing you soon brother.


I feel the blood drain from my face, and i just stand there in shock. Jace comes to my side and places his hand on my shoulder. "Grayson, what is it?"

"We need to get back to the pack. NOW! Cal led us here so he could attack the pack. We need to leave!" I yell at them. I jump from the porch and shift in the air. Running back to the pack, my mind keeps wandering to Abi.

She's strong enough to protect herself and the boys. The boys. The baby. Oh my Moon Goddess! The baby! Abigayle can't fight in her condition. I hope that someone is with her that can protect her. Just in case i mind-link Marcus.

Marcus, you need to protect Abi. Go now. Make sure her and the boys are safe. Have Cody prepare the pack for a fight.

Of course Alpha, but why?

Cal is coming. And he plans on killing. I need my family to be safe.

Abigayle's P.O.V.

A loud pounding on the door wakes me up. I check the time on my phone, 2:13 am, who the hell is at my door at 2:13 in the morning. I take the blanket off of me and slide out of Clare's grip on my arm. I turn the TV off and walk to the door. I open it a crack and Marcus storms in. "Marcus what are you doing here? It's 2 o'clock in the morning, do you realize this!?"

"Abi, it's Cal." He says in hushed yell.

"What about Cal?" I ask him. Why is he waking me up to tell me about a prisoner?

"You need to grab the boys and go into the basement now. Clare and Miranda are here with the girls too?" He asks me.

"Yes, why? Marcus what is going on?" He is starting to scare me. That feeling i get when something is going to happen has grown immensely in the last few minutes.

"Just do it Luna. Wake those two up and get the children, I'll keep watch. Go!"

I do as he says. Miranda and Clare don't wake up easy but i get them up and hurry them to my bedroom. I scoop Garrett and Grantt up into my arms and Clare and Miranda do the same with Rianna and Katlyn. They follow me back out to Marcus. He shuts and locks the door and escorts us down into the basement. He shuts and locks the door and lets out a very large sigh. We place the sleeping babies down on a cot and i turn my attention to Marcus. "Marcus you need to tell me what this is all about right now." I demand.

He takes in a deep breathe, "Cal is on his way here. Like right now to attack the pack. Grayson has been searching for him for the past 3 years and they finally found his scent today. Apparently the scent was placed to lead Grayson and the others away from here, so we would be weak. Cal plans on killing everyone. Grayson sent me here to protect you and the boys until he gets back." He spits out.

What? Cal has been missing for 3 years? That must have been what Grayson has been hiding from me. Now all of his 'trips' make sense. But wait, I can protect myself.

"He knows that Abigayle, he just feels it would be safer for you, the boys and the baby if i were to protect you." I must have said that last part out loud. I guess Marcus has a point.

"So Cal is on his way here?" I ask.


"And he wants to kill us?"

"You and the boys specifically, but yes, the pack too."

I hear a faint cry and turn towards the cot. Rianna is crying softly and Grantt has his arms wrapped aroound her, trying to comfort her. Garrett and Katlyn are playing peek-a-boo next to them. I didn't even hear them wake up. I watch them for a minute with a smile on my face when that feeling overwhelms me. Not only is it something, it's bad. Wait- someone's here. I know that someone, but his scent is different, it's being masked by something else. I can still smell him faintly, and i have the pregnancy hormones to thank for that. I shush everyone in the room. I look to Marcus, Miranda and Clare. "He's here."

Kylie's P.O.V.

When Jaxon left, i knew it had something to do with Cal. I begged him to let me come, but he refused. He kept telling me that something is going to happen here and i need to be here to help, so when Cody came knocking and asking for my help, i knew things were about to get crazy.

Currently Cody and I are standing in front of a group of pack members that have been training for this. We are just standing in the open field behind the pack house ready to fight when an extremely strong scent of cherry licorice washes over us. I know what this is. I plug my nose, trying not to let the poison take control of my body and motion for others to do the same. Cody is the only one to see my gesture and he copies me. People are dropping all around us and i pretend to faint too. I watch Cody do the same before i lay on the ground face down, so Cal and his witch don't notice me plugging my nose. I mind-link Jaxon to warn him. Babe, they are using poison. Everyone is dying. Hurry and kill the son of a bitch.

Almost there Ky, don't give up keeping fighting. I love you.

I love you too Jax.

I hold my breath as long as i can, but when i finally need air, i release my nose and breathe in. Lucky for me the licorice scent is gone and so is Cal. This is not good. I look around and see that Cody is okay. I can't say the same for everyone else. There is no doubt in my mind that everyone else is dead. I crawl over to Cody and hug him. A sob escapes my lips and he holds me to him tighter. We stand up and sneak off towards Abi and Grayson's house to help Marcus protect our Luna and her pups. I stop in my tracks when i see Cal and the last person i would have ever expected.

Molly? But when the female turns around i see that it's not Molly at all, but Jazz. Jazz, the girl that tried to help my family, the one girl that i cannot possibly have any hate towards. And what does she do? She kisses my packs worst enemy.

Grayson's P.O.V.

Almost there. We're almost back to the pack when Jaxon mind-links me. Alpha, Kylie has told me that Cal is there with some witch and they used poison gas on the pack. The members that were there to fight have been killed. She says Abi is still safe, but Cal is headed there now.

I growl and howl up at the moon. I run faster and stop at the edge of the woods. There's Cal and Jazz. And they are walking into my house. My house where my family is. I run as fast as i can towards my house to stop him. Almost there. I'm almost to the door. I have him now, there is no escaping. I grab Jazz from behind with my teeth and toss her behind me to Raven and Casey. I hear the ripping sound of limbs being torn off and Jazz's screams. I chase after Cal, who has shifted into his wolf form. I leap at his neck when...

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