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"It gets better in time"


I wake up in a stranger's room, with Cole's arm wrapped around my waist and his head tucked into the crook of my neck. He's snoring slightly, not that I mind. It's kind of cute and I sleep better with white noise anyway.

I feel like cuddling closer to him and going back to sleep but yesterday's memories came rushing back to me all at once, so suddenly I was wide awake.

"Cole, you adorable idiot, wake up!" What's up in bed and shook his shoulder till he finally woke up.

He wakes up slowly, eyelids to heavy from sleep. "Are-" He yawns. "Are you ok?"


He sits up in bed quickly and slings his arm over my shoulder. I think it's supposed to be comforting but it feels more like he's resting on me can't about to go back to sleep. His weight and warmth are calming though, so I lean into him. "It's going to be ok."

"I know that. It doesn't make it less painful."

"It will get better with time. I promise."

"It better." I sigh into his shoulder. "We should probably get going. Where's Oliver? I need to thank him for giving me a place to stay for the night.

"I don't know. I haven't seen him since he let me in..." He glanced up at the wall clock on the other side of the room. "...five hours ago."


"Thank you."

Oliver peaks up at drowsily, coffee mug cake design. "You're welcome? Honestly call me I'm not sure what this is about or what just happened. Why would your parents kick you out?"

I tell him, only because I know he's in no place to judge.

"Wow, sorry man." He says once I finish my story. "Look on the bright side though, summers almost here you get to spend it without adult supervision."

I nod, even though I knew my only plans for the summer involves reading and binge watching every episode of Queer Eye.

"So where are you going to stay?"

"Cole's house." He's in the car right now, giving us space, however begrudgingly.

"So the two of you are..., you know, a thing?"

"If you're asking if we're dating then the answer is yes."

"Oh right." He glanced down at his feet then back up at me. "Congrats... I guess."

"Thanks?" Oh wow, this suddenly got awkward. "I guess I should get going."

"Right, my mother will be back home soon anyway."




"That, was the most awkward conversation I've ever had in my life." I said as I slid into the passenger next to Cole.

"Worst than 'the talk'?" He asked as he drove out of Oliver's street.

"My parents are Catholic, I never got the talk." I buckled up my set belt. "And even if I did I don't think it would be that relevant."

"I'd almost consider you lucky." He grinned and glanced my way, before going back to keep his eyes on the road. "What happened?"

I told him and he started laughing, softly at first but soon enough he broke into wheezing, choking laughter.

"What's so damn funny?"

"Nothing, it just looks like you have an admirer."


Sorry this is so short. I've been really busy lately.

Also, just out of curiosity, how many of you listened to the song this book is based on? It's really good. The video's in the first chapter. Check it out, it makes the book better. I listen to it almost every time I write a new chapter. Matt Fishel's other songs are really good to but '17 Again' is definitely one of, if not my absolute favourite.

- I. Tamilore Onkọwe


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