Fourteen - Jumpin' Jumpin'

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"You ready?" Alya stood there with a stupid grin on her face which made Marinette want to run the opposite way screaming.

"Born ready." Marinette said straight faced, straightening herself up to look even more intimidating. She took a big breath as Alya bursts out laughing.

"Why would you say it like that!" She laughed covering her mouth to try and stop.

"Whaaat!" Marinette said amused. "I was getting in the zone, shut up."

"Girl's night is upon us..." Alya spoke as she grabbed her bag and found Marinette's handing it to the blue haired girl. "We must drink and tell each other stupid stories."

Marinette was pushed out of the door with her best friend behind her. They walked the short way to the bar where they planned to go and sat in a small low-lit booth. The bar's interior was a fresh baby blue, with navy decor to neutralise the room from looking a little washed. The tables were oak and had an overhead straw hut top to make it seem like each table was a little beach hut.

"I'm definitely having Pina Coladas," Alya smirked at Marinette and that's when the blue eyed girl knew it would be a messy night, she smiled and shook her head knowingly.

"Sex on the beach for me then," Marinette got up and ordered the first round of drinks, when she came back to the table she laid the drinks down and looked back at Alya. "So... I felt like we haven't had girl time is ages!"

"Girl! I know, we have both been busy with our soulmates but we need to lay down a line right here right now." Alya mimicked drawing a line on the table. "No smelly boys can stop us from seeing each other and rocking each other's world! Ain't no man getting in the way of my girl!" Alya spoke with an American accent which made the two of them laugh.

"I'll drink to that!" Marinette raised her glass and her eyebrows at the same time as the two clinked their glasses and drank. "How's Nino anyway?"

"Oh, he's good..." Alya said playing with her glass. "We have... Kind of..." Alya closed her eyes and let out a sign. "I don't even know how to tell you!"

"Tell me what?" Marinette asked leaning closer as her interest grew. "Al, you know you can tell me anything."

"I-I kind of... Put the wand in the chamber of secrets..." Alya bit her lip looking to her friend who had furrowed eyebrows.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Marinette said as she slumped her shoulders, sometimes Alya watches Harry Potter way too much.

"For god's sake Marinette..." Alya took another sip of her drink. "I might of..." She started to whisper. "Lost my virginity..." Alya quickly sipped her drink again before she heard a massive gasp from the other side of the table.

"WHAT!?" Marinette was wide eyed and Alya widened her eyes too and put her finger to her lips to tell Marinette to be quite.

"Shut up, shut up, I don't want everyone knowing!"

"No!" Marinette said in shock. "You're lying."

"I'm not," Alya giggled. "I can't believe you don't believe me."

"I-" Marinette cleared her throat. "I'm sorry I just didn't expect to hear that... H-how was it?" Marinette asked biting her lip ready to listen intensely.

"Well... We didn't plan to do it but... We have been together and trust each other with secrets and see each other literally every day. I just thought- well, yeah, we have done the deed... It was good, it has bought us closer than we thought we could be... And he was gentle, caring... You know?" Alya looked to her best friend trying to make as much sense as she could.

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