Ten - This Boy

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Adrien took Marinette home, she didn't speak much when she was in the taxi home and he was a little worried, he didn't know exactly what, but he knew something was bothering her, she had a furrowed eyebrow and a pout to go along with it. When they arrived outside the bakery, Adrien spoke up. 

"What you thinking about?" Adrien asked.

Marinette sighed and looked at Adrien. "What did that kiss mean?" 

"It means whatever you want it to mean..." Adrien said slowly, not sure what Marinette was getting at. "We had a lovely night and a kiss to go with it."

"But... What I'm trying to say is... We like each other right" Marinette asked and Adrien nodded in agreement. "But should we? Wh-what about our end of the strings?" Marinette was struggling with saying what she did as she really enjoyed tonight but she also liked to talk to her soul mate. Her mind was juggling with thoughts about what would happen if she got close to Adrien to only have to get hurt. She would get hurt and she would rather not get hurt and if that means not growing feelings for Adrien she would try her hardest.

"Marinette." Adrien took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes. "About that... I-" Adrien was interrupted by a car pulling up and beeping its horn. The two of them looked over to the interruption and the car window went down to reveal Natalie. 

"Adrien. Your father has asked me to look for you. It's 11:30 and it's a school night. You must come home." Natalie said getting out of the car and opening the rear passenger door for Adrien. 

"Give me a minute Natalie-" Adrien tried to ask but Natalie cut him short.

"You have had a lot of freedom for your last year of school. Don't ruin it by not getting in the car this instant." Natalie warned. Adrien sighed and looked to Marinette. 

"I am so sorry, I'll see you tomorrow, I will talk to you about it then." Adrien said quickly taking a hold of her hand and squeezing it lightly before letting go and getting into the car with Natalie. 

Marinette sighed and went into the bakery, she crept upstairs making sure she didn't wake anybody, only to find her mother sitting on the sofa in their living room. 

"Mama, hi, how come you are awake?" She asked as she sat next to Sabine.

"Oh pumpkin, I thought you were in your bedroom asleep." Sabine said softly.

"I went out with my friend, I was trying to find inspiration for the fashion competition I told you about." Marinette said untying her shoes and taking them off. 

"Oh okay as long as you stayed in well lit areas." Sabine reminded her daughter. She will always care about her wellbeing. 

"Of course," Marinette smiled. "How come you're out here anyway?" 

"Oh I couldn't sleep so I make myself some hot chocolate, I was just finishing up," Sabine nodded to the cup on the coffee table in front of her and Marinette nodded. 

"Okay then mama, I'm going to my room, going to draw up my design before my inspiration dissolves!" She said standing up, she kissed her mother's forehead and sabine hugged her as she did. 

"Don't over work yourself honey, you need sleep before school tomorrow." Sabine reminded Marinette. "Good night."

"Good night." Marinette said as she went upstairs to her room. She turned her light on and quickly sat at her desk. She smiled remembering the events of this evening, pushing away her negative thoughts about her tie. Out of sight, out of mind. She pulled out her sketch book and got to work with her design. It had turned 2 am when Marinette had finished for the night, she figured colours can be sorted another time. She slumped in her chair and yawned. As soon as she got into bed sleep overpowered her.

The next morning Marinette was nervous about seeing Adrien. He was either going to pretend like nothing happened, or he was going to be really sweet and charming and Marinette would keep thinking about how she cant have feelings for Adrien if he isn't willing to leave his soul mate for her. She wondered if he has thought about their situation, but then again guys don't worry as much as girls do...

She was late to school due to a lack of sleep, when she walked into class she apologised for her tardiness before looking at her seat next to Alya where Nino was sitting. She then looked up a row and saw that Adrien was sat alone, she sat next to him and he smiled at her not wanting to get detention for talking in class. He couldn't help but think about last night. He needed to tell her he was the end of her string. He needed to tell her soon. He decided that he would tell her by the end of the week. He just needed the right time...

After an hour of listening to Ms Mendeleiev talk about thermodynamics Marinette was bored. She started to draw on her hand again, this time drawing love hearts, flowers and random swirls on her hand. Adrien felt the tingle of the doodles as Marinette slowly drew and watched her draw on her hand. He glanced down at his hand to find small love hearts and other doodles and smiled. He slowly moved his leg slightly so that it was pressing on to Marinette's leg and she stopped her doodling almost automatically. She looked to Adrien and leaned back and gave him a small smile. Adrien placed his hand on her thigh rubbing his thumb in circle against the top of her knee. Marinette thought it tickled a little bit but got used to the feeling warming to it. She was content with sitting there with Adrien that she didn't even realise that his hand was covered in red doodles. 

Marinette felt so comfortable around him,she ended up leaning her shoulder on his feeling his warmth radiate off him. What is this boy doing to me? She thought.

When it came to lunch, Marinette and Adrien were sat down at the table, Adrien was eating rice pudding and Marinette was just sipping on a slush she had bought. Alya and Nino marched their way over to the table and Alya slammed her tray down on the table which got Marinette and Adrien's attention as the other two sat down. 

"Okay." Alya spoke with a stern voice. "What is going on with you guys?" She smirked. Marinette raised her eyebrows and Adrien kept eating his rice pudding. 

"What do you mean?" Marinette asked.

"Come on dudes, we saw you today in class, you are worst than me and Alya, Marinette you would have been sat on Adrien's knee if you could have!" Nino expressed and Adrien laughed nearly spilling his pudding. 

"What are you guys on about? She wasn't on my knee." Adrien said and Alya deadpanned them.

"Something is going on. You can't hide it from mama Alya for long you know. I always find out the truth. I know everything." Alya pointed at the two who just gave Alya a weird look. 

"Oh really," Marinette spoke up and smiled. "What did I have for breakfast this morning?" 

"Oh shut up." Alya said laughing. They went on to talk about how boring Ms Mendeleiev is and how she could make even Christmas sound boring.

 They went on to talk about how boring Ms Mendeleiev is and how she could make even Christmas sound boring

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