Sixteen - What Hurts the Most

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Chloe laid on her bed crying, she hadn't gone back to school after what she had just found out, she wasn't upset that Adrien wasn't her soul mate, what hurt her the most was knowing her soul mate completely lied to her. Whoever is at the end of her string had been lying since day one which really depressed her. Sabrina had tried to get Chloe to talk to her but she made Jean, her butler, send her home, she knew it was a little rude making her go home but Chloe needed time to process her thoughts.

All this time, she had been lied to, the late nights she spent talking to the end of her string who told her he was Adrien, telling her they would be together someday, it was all lies. She had been hating Marinette because of a lie. She had treated her horribly because her soul mate said that Marinette was just obsessed with him and wouldn't leave him alone - evidently another lie. They were soul mates, they had found each other with no lies and empty promises. Only Chloe had lies and empty promises.

It was seven o'clock and she was all cried out, she was upset but she physically couldn't cry any longer, she got up and looked herself over in the mirror. She sighed knowing she looked a mess. She grabbed some make-up remover and took off all the patchy foundation and streaked mascara, replacing it with a neater look. She looked over at herself again and became upset seeing her outfit. She remembered when she came home to see a pretty box on her bed with her name on it. She opened the box and looked at the note inside:

Beautiful clothes for a beautiful woman, a little present from me - Adrien.

Inside contained a yellow cardigan, a white and black striped top and white jeans. She thought they were beautiful and she loved the romantic gesture. Obviously this was a lie too. She threw the clothes off her, knowing that they are a lie, she went to her closet and pick out a new outfit, smiling when she put it on. She felt more herself in these clothes as well, she couldn't even remember the last time she wore it, but she loved it. Chloe decided to ring Sabrina to help her out, knowing her best friend would help her through this.


At eight thirty, Marinette was finishing her fashion pieces for the contest on Saturday, she was so excited to present her work to Adrien's father, she knew that winning this contest could change her life for the better and she hoped with all her heart that he likes them. Just as she was taking the pins out of the outfits, there was a knock on her door. She smiled thinking Adrien would be at the door again, he seems to surprise visit her all the time recently, she didn't mind as she loved his company and he helped her with the fashion pieces having a lot of inside knowledge on fashion from modelling and being his father's son. She opened the door and was shocked to find Chloe at her door, looking straight at Marinette. She didn't think she would see Chloe for a while after what happened earlier that day.

"Marinette..." Chloe said with a lot of confidence in her voice. "We need to talk." Marinette was unsure about what Chloe would say or do so hadn't invited her into her bedroom. "I want to talk to you about everything I have done and said to you for the past year or so... I have been rude, angry, annoyed and worst of all Iv'e been a bully to you Marinette." Chloe spoke softly as she looked Marinette in the eyes to show she was meaning what she was saying. "I was led to believe a nasty lie, one that has affected the two of us, I know before this we didn't talk much, we have always known each other as acquaintances of some sort but recently I have been saying things to you that are no where near true, I have been manipulative and rude but I was told that you were obsessed with Adrien who I was led to believe was my soul mate, so I was annoyed you were in the way of me having a true relationship. This is what I was told by the end of my string and we now know this is not true. I know i'm rambling but I really can't even put into words how sorry I am for what I have done to you. You must know that what I said I did not mean and I hope you can understand this and possibly forgive me somehow, in your own time."

Marinette was taken back by what Chloe had said and blinked a few times wondering if she was just imagining this situation but when she finally grasped this was real, Marinette nodded. "I must admit, everything you have said to me has really hurt me," She looked down not wanting this to get the best of her. "It has affected me in a way I couldn't possibly tell you. But let me say that I do now understand your reasons for this and I believe you are truly trying to do the right thing by me by talking to me about this. But I do need time to heal this wound. I need time to forgive you. But for now, I accept your apology and I wish you the best in figuring out your situation... I know that you are in fact a strong headed person and if anyone can sort out this situation, it would be you."

"You really are the strong person Marinette, if I had been in your situation I would have shut the door in your face ages ago. But to hear me out and understand where I am coming from, I envy you for that." Chloe admitted.

"You're just as strong dealing with what you are so head on." Marinette told Chloe and Chloe smiled at Marinette.

"I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow..." Chloe said and Marinette agreed saying goodbye to the blonde. "Before I go though, could you also tell Adrien I am sorry, I don't want to upset you guys anymore so I thought it would be better for me to ask you to tell him that."

"Sure thing Chloe," Marinette agreed and Chloe said goodbye as she walked away from Marinette's doorway and back down the stairs. Marinette closed her door and took a deep breath, the air was thick with tension and she couldn't think straight. Chloe had apologised to her. She couldn't believe it.

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