Chapter 20

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🙊Sam's POV🙊- He's gone..... He just slipped out of my life I'm so stupid! I let him go I couldn't be any stupider! The one person who loved me the most just left right in front my eyes through those doors. I don't know what life is....... "Hi um are you friend of Mr.Caylen?" I hear what is the doctor say. "Yes I am is he ok!" I say running to go see him, "Um sir you can't go see him!" The doctor runs after me yelling. I get to the room they're removing the tubes and such from Jc but what scares me is that the fact is that he's lifeless with his eyes closed. I fall to the ground tears already streaming down my face I can't I just can't! I can't fucking see a person I love die! I can't stop crying I try to get up but I'm to weak Im just on my knees wishing that I hadn't run in here or else I wouldn't been like this. "I'm sorry for your lost sir......... But you have to go so we can clean up and prepare his body" the doctor says. "Don't burn his body I want to have a funeral and I'm sure he would've want one too!" I shout at him. He nods I get up stumbling a little and I stagger back to my car, I cry for what seems for like hours I finally call Kian and he picks up "Hello?". "Jc's dead" I say hanging up and crying again I screwed up everything I lost the two important people in my life I lost my boyfriend and my best friend died what the hell is going to happen next is Kian going to love someone else and do it with them?! Gosh I can't deal with all this. I drive out of the parking lot I drive around town for hours thinking of what I could do but nothing hits me I end up spending 3 hours thinking and I still get nothing I just can't concentrate so I go home. I get in to my apartment and grab my laptop I make hot coco and just wrap myself in my sheets and get on Netflix, when in doubt watch Netflix and forget life and that's exactly what I did but how long can I try and run away from this.... My life I just can unchange my feelings I'm going to have to deal with it and face life I'm not backing down I have an idea on how to get my life back.

A/N HEYYYYYY! Guys I love you so much thank you guys for reading but it's not over! One more chapter and it's going to be sad! Like really sad but hey not all stories have perfect endings! Plz don't hate me I'm just a normal teenage boy writing stories! So plz let me know what you think and answer these questions plz

1. Should I ship O2L with other youtubers?

2. Do you hate sad endings?

3. What do you like of my story? -Adrian out

Our Unchangeable Feelings  O2L Fanfic BoyXBoy (Sam&Kian)Where stories live. Discover now