You're Insane! Not Me!

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Astheum's POV

When I awoke. I was laying on a hospital table and all the people that was in my room before was in this room. I survey the room and the doctor who shot me was grabbing some scissors, cutting my clothes off. I began to cry and plead for them not to do this, to not expose my body, but he kept proceeding. His hand stopping. Then right when he was going to rip my bra off he caresses the skin that was showing.

"Your skin is completely flawless. If I may say. You are beautiful, for a monster. May I just keep you for myself?" He said and I felt my skin crawl with disgust.

"Don't you dare touch me you beast!"

The doctor  threw his head back laughing and smiles wickedly at me.

"Doctor Reagan there has been a breach and they're heading this way." The man screams while trying to catch his breath. At the same time in awe of my body in full display, it was violating, it was sickening. But before the guard could touch me.

A black mist enters the room and slowly everyone one by one begins to fall on the ground like logs. One toppling over one another. Soon huge beast like dogs were growling and guarding me. I was trying to cover myself up because of my body that was on full display. The only clothing that was left on me was my undergarments. I could feel someone's hands gripping my neck and in one fierce movement I could no longer breath. Clutching onto whoever's hand, I was attempting to turn around, but I could never get to because of that tight grip that, that person had. My vision was caving and I could no longer breath.

"You crazy bitch! I want you to know that he's mine!"

In a spout moment she loosened her hands, I push her so far back, you could hear her slam against the wall across the room. Trying to catch my breath I open my eyes to see a women, she was hideous and she stood directly over me. The dogs were cowering in fear, probably because if her hideousness. I slowly back up thinking I'm dead that's what I am, but I suddenly notice two strong arms around my body cradling me in warmth.


A powerful voice roared and I felt a light touch on my neck.

Lucan's POV


I roar as I lightly touched Astheum's neck.

She winces slightly, and that killed me inside but as she began to relax, I began to soothe the pain.

"Did you do this? Gloria?"

I question as she starts to whine and pout like a child.

"Lukey pooh... I love you... She's not good enough for you! Look at her! She's a fucking Perennial Seraph!"

Delphic saw all red in a blink of an eye I was directly I in front of Gloria. There were no more rooms for forgiveness or pardons. I'd deal with the Witches and Warlocks later. I hand Astheum to Duchan I walk right towards Gloria. One thing about me, is that I take life away. In a flash, life will turn to death. I pick Gloria up by the throat I throw her towards the glass door. The glass shatters all around her. The white marble floor is full of black mist and her blood, but that blood was not good enough for me.

So as I pick her up again and say, "Have a nice slow, painful, and dark death in Trepidation."

Gloria's eyes reflecting fear screeches, "You love me! This isn't possible! You love me!"

The Trepidation's door begins to open and drags her into the vortex. I turn my head to Duchan and see my little Astheum nestling into his arms. She was so tiny inside his arms as he was cradling her. I walk over to her taking her from his arms and she looks at me wide eyed and awake. Fear overcame me as I saw her face. Was she afraid of me? Of us? I thought.

Astheum's POV

Now, I know you would have thought I felt fear, but honestly that was the last thing I felt. That man was so hot when he was tossing that hideous beast around. I felt my body beginning to heat up, it was starting to go on fire! Need mate... Was all Leila was saying to me. I could feel the person that was holding onto me start to heat up too and I was ready to pounce on him, but someone took me out of their arms. Right when I came into contact with this person's body, my body slowly began to cool down.

"Duchan! Get everyone out of here I'll meet you in Caliginous! She's starting to go through Epoch!"

After those words I black out from the world.





"Astheum are you awake?"

"Huh? Where am I?" I said lightly touching my head.

I realize I was in a prairie and in the distance was a little town. This place was all too familiar like, I was here before, but I could no longer remember if it was a dream or reality.

"How have you been my dear?" I turn around and a beautiful woman and handsome man stood before me.

"If I may ask. Hopefully I am not rude, but who are you?"

The two beautiful people laugh and smile at me saying, "We cannot tell you yet. Sorry dear, but it seems you still haven't remembered everything that you are supposed to remember."

I rose a brow curiously at these people once again looking through the meadow.

"An analyzer huh? Reminds me of someone I know." The woman said.


"Enough said it's time for us to go. Good bye be safe."

As I saw them drifting away and I was helpless. For some unknown reason why I was overcome with sadness. I did not even know who they were but I was beginning to weep over them.

"Astheum? Astheum? Are you okay?" A voice began to say.

I slowly open my eyes and everything felt like a blur, but as my eyes began to adjust. It all came back to me. Lucan, Lucan found me. Once I could focus my eyes I saw that Lucan was leaning over lightly gripping my shoulders.

"Lucan?" I said drowsily.

He gave me that ten thousand dollar smile that still melts my heart even millenniums later.

"Where are we?" I say trying to get up but have no strength.

Lucan steadily helps me to sit up on the bed and walks straight towards the patio doors. As he begins to open them, he turns around and says, "This is my kingdom Astheum."

And I swear if my heart didn't stop there then it's probably going to stop after.


So Loves!

Her heart stopped?! Dun! Dun! Dun! Was it a good or bad stop? Let me hear what you think!

P.S. Dearests! Don't forget to please



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