Chapter 41

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"Baby girl?" Negan's gentle voice rouses Chuck from her sleep.

Chuck opens her still heavy eyelids and turns her head to look at Negan, sitting beside her on the edge of the bed. "Hmm?" she croaks.

Negan slowly pulls down the blankets to expose Chuck's naked torso and rubs his hand over her stomach. "I'm gonna head out to Alexandria in a little bit," he says quietly. "Just wanted to see my babies before I fuckin' left."

Chuck smiles up at him and holds her arms out, wordlessly asking Negan to lean down to her. He accepts and bends his body down to place a kiss on Chuck's neck, making her giggle lazily.

"You wanna fuck real quick?" he whispers in her ear.

She laughs lightly. "Too tired."

He shifts so that he's looking down at her face. "I'll do all the work," he says with a smirk and a wink.

She laughs lightly with barely open eyes and places her hand on her stomach. "We're too sleepy, daddy."

"Fuuuuuck," he groans. "You're busting out that daddy shit right after you tell me you don't wanna fuck? That's just cruel, little girl."

She swats him on the shoulder lightly, but still laughs. "I meant because you're the daddy of the baby."

"Sure, sure, little girl." He kisses her lips with a smile on this face then shifts downward toward her stomach. "Daddy'll be back later, baby," he whispers into it before placing a sweet kiss right above her belly button. He stands from the bed and grabs Lucille from where she was leaning on the nightstand.

"Tell Aaron I love him," Chuck rasps out then turns to lay on her side and cuddle into the pillows.

"Alright. Love you, sweetheart."

"Love you, Negan." She falls back asleep before she even hears the door close.

Later that day, Chuck decides to go back down to the gardens since she had such a good time there yesterday. On her way there, she bumps into Simon.

"Oh, hey, Simon," she greets him cheerily.

"Hey there, kiddo. I was just gonna get some gelato from the kitchen. Wanna join?"

"Uh, yes! Of course I do!" She laughs and follows him to the kitchen. When they get there, they are greeted by a kindly older lady named Hettie.

"Simon!" Hettie calls out from behind the island in the center of the kitchen. It looks as if she had just finished putting the gelato into containers to be put in one of the freezers. "Right on time!" She looks to Chuck. "And you must be Chuck!" She walks over to Chuck and places her hands on Chuck's arms. "Look at you!" She holds Chuck's arms out and looks her up and down. "You're all skin and bones, girl! We need to get some meat on you for that baby." She goes back to the island and starts to get bowls ready for Simon and Chuck.

"I think I have enough meat," Chuck responds with a giggle.

"What flavor you want, sugar?" the older woman asks. "Vanilla, cardamom, strawberry-"

"Ooh strawberry!" Chuck calls out quickly.

"Make that two," Simon adds with a smile.

Hettie starts to scoop the ice cream into the bowls. "That boy right there," she waves the scoop at Simon before scooping out some more gelato, "he is gonna weigh four hundred pounds if he keeps eating this stuff everyday. All these batches I've been making from Hilltop's regular milk deliveries and he's been eating most of it all by himself!"

This Is How I Disappear (Negan/OFC)Where stories live. Discover now