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- POV Lili -

I knock on Calum's door and I hear Duke bark what makes me smile. After a few seconds Calum open the door.
"Oh hey, Lili. Come in. I was packing for the tour," he says.
I nod, "I can go if you want. It's just... Ash and I are fighting..."
"Okay, come in."
I walk inside and Duke happily greets me.
"Hey Bud," I say to him with a smile. I pet him and after a few seconds I stop and look at Cal.

"Why are you and Ash fighting?" He asks.
"He suddenly got the jealous boyfriend because I went to the Grove alone and I told Ashton that I was alone but Luke texted me that he was there too so I met up with him and now he is jealous and called me a liar," I tell him. "So I got mad and we had a fight."
Calum nod, "weird... never thought you guys would be fighting over something like this."
"Me too," I sigh. "But he wanted to be the jealous boyfriend so that's what he gets. He apparently doesn't even trust me with his best friend."

"I mean I think I get Ashton, though. He thought you were alone and then you are with Luke all of the sudden. But I think you told him the truth so... I don't get why he was jealous," Calum frowns.
"He thought it was weird or something."
"I can come of as weird."
I sigh. "I just am so pissed at him for being like this. But the thing is: I don't want to fight with him. Not because he is going on tour soon."

"Maybe you should go and talk to him," Calum says while sitting down.
"I have nothing to say to him." I sit down next to Cal and cross my arms.
"Well you want to make it up so you have to face him."
"He is the one who needs to say sorry. Not me."
"You still can just try to talk it out."
"I am too angry to do that right now. I think it'll make it works if I talk it out..."
"Okay then you need to calm down 1st. Want to game?"
I nod slowly, "sure."

And so Calum and I gamed for a while but soon I leave him so he can finish packing.
So I walk back to my apartment and I hope not to pass Ashton.

Luckily I didn't so I walk in my apartment and check my phone. 3 missed calls from Ashton. 24 messages from Ashton. I open them and not even read them. I turn off my phone and turn on my Netflix while I change to PJ's and then I start to have a F.R.I.E.N.D.S. marathon.

Okay... this is kind of serious... but I think this book sucks. I want to delete this but I also don't want to because you guys love this. So I am struggling... everything I write for this just isn't what I'm proud of and I hate it...

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