The Chill

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I needed to get home as fast as i could, my honda nearly flying over the road. All my life i had grown up here, i knew every stream, and where the best little swimming spots were. In this moment, i had forgotten all my past knowledge of Oregon. My house was in a small development called Beaver Creek, a cheeky name for a gloomy  place where every single day it rained. I was finally off the country roads now, and i was about fifteen minuets form my home. I had already wasted thirty of my beloved hour. What was i going to say? how will my family ever understand? Mid mind panic i pulled into my house, greeted by my outdoor cats. I grabbed both of them and held them to my chest. These two had been there for me when i felt like there was no one Else in the world who loved me. I set the black and white cat down, and told him goodbye. The calico cat refued to let go, and dug her claws into my sweater i was wearing. "Frisky, i have to go you know that...." as the words slipped my mouth that cat jumped out of my arms and ran into the woods. Five more minuets spent, now i only had twenty-five to say goodbye to my mother, father, and little brother. 

Rushing in to the house was my first mistake "DRACA, no running in the house.. come over here and tel me whats wrong".

I gave my mom the best hug of my life and tried to tell her about how some college in Ohio wanted me, and how i had to leave right away. The longer i was talking the more her blue eyes turned green. "That's fine draca, i love you with my entire heart... say goodbye to dad and your brother"

that was strange, my mom normally would have put out a huge fuss, but i went with it. I sprinted to the top of my stairs and ran into my fathers room. My dad is a photographer and the walls of his room are covered with the pictures he had taken of me and my brother through the years. I found him filling with my film camera, when i walked in he looked up to me with his baby blue eyes. "Draca, i fixed it, i want you to take it with you where ever you go and to take pictures of every thing you encounter, thats what i did when i left for college and i want you to remember me." i ran my fingers over the fine leather that made a case for my new camera. I traced the lens and then my fingers fould what looked like a latch on the back. I would pull this later and figure it out. My dad kissed my forehead and wished me luck.

Up next was Ben, my little brother. He was off in his room playing with a guitar. I rushed in and gave him a huge hug. "benny-boo, im going away for a while, and i will see you soon okay?" i tried to cover up my fear of never seeing him again. "Sounds good sis, please get out of my room now"... Now that hurt, i was never going to see him again and this is how he wanted me to remember him. Fine.

I walked into my room with glorious purpose. I grabbed my favourite cargo bag and shoved my wallet,  rolls of film, two old cameras, my journal, a bracelet i had made with Ben, and a little stuffed animal wolf off my bed. I went over to my bed to lay in it one last time... as i sat down i felt a prick under my leg."Dammit" it was another black rose and on it was a small note "Draca, you have five minuets"

I tossed the rose out, and got my backpack. I tossed all the clothes i could possibly need in there. Lastly i took my guitar, i packed him up in his case, my fingers feeling the smooth finish over the expensive wood. This Guitar was my escape, and if i was going to leave my family i was going to take him with me/ " Indie we are going on an adventure". I snapped the latches and took all my belongings out the door with me. No one in my family said goodbye again. As i was leaving i caught a glimpse of my family photo...i noticed it lacked the tall blond that normally stands in the back, it was like i was erased from my family as a whole as they would soon be erased from my life.

"I guess it really is happening." i said as i got into my car. I turned my head, checking everything i had in the back to make sure i had not forgotten anything important. Nope. All good. In my passenger seat lay another black rose, as i looked at it i heard his voice in my mind . "Good girl draca, i was afraid i would have to intervien at some point. Leave now, and meet me on the coast. you will know where to go i promise, just follow my voice"

This was the strangest car ride of my life, not having a map, only following Lokis directions. I had no idea how to talk back to him, so i just stayed quiet. The road at one point became very bumpy , and we were now in the middle of a state park. I remembered this place, it was called the "ABC" forest.  It was a maze of trees that were all labeled with letters from the alphabet. I had learned it in these woods. I knew it i followed the path it would lead to the sand dunes and a small sea cave. I relived my childhood as i walked. I saw the old trees i would climb. I remember talking a picture with my dad on that stump. In the tree overhead a nut had once fallen on my mom. This forest summed up my life, the moss knew my secrets, and the birds knew my name. 

The gravel path under my feet made a terrible noise as i walked. Here in the pacific north it could get very cold, and i was wearing my sweater, but yet i was still full of shivers. I was now to "Z" in the forest, i looked over my shoulder to make sure no one was behind me. With all i had i sprinted out of the forest and fell face first into the sand, rolling down this massive sand dune was a thing of my childhood and was one of the funnest things i could do back then.

When i reached the bottom of the slope i brushed the sand off, to my right was a hollowed out cavern, When the tides came in they would hollow out sections of the frail rock. I knew in my heart this is where Loki had wanted to meet. I braced myself for what was to come, and i could not have been prepared for what i saw next.

Loki was at the mouth of the cave in a grey and black tux, he looked younger. He was standing there with is legs spread apart and the salty wind whipping at the folds of his jacket. He was all dressed up. Instead of looking 31, loki now looked about 25. And was very handsome. 

" I have done what you asked Loki, Now before anything happens YOU are to tell me exactly who you are and why you want me." I shouted from a safe distance, i was blushing because his cold stare never broke.

"I would not have it any other way" he then appeared at my arm. He held his arm out, and i laced my arm in between his. a flash of greenish blue light and we were inside the belly of the cave. The  cave was beautiful, there was a small stream that ran through it that held fresh water. There was a huge scepter in the back and a blue box. When i looked at the box i felt a sudden thrill run through my veins, i let out a little snarl. My hands flew to my mouth, i had never made that type of noise in my entire life, it sounded savage and animal like.

"Draca are you sure you want me to tell you who i am first still? Your story is more complicated and important." Loki strode over to me and grabbed my hand, "come over here and sit down. Then we can talk" He took me further back in the cave where there was a dinner table set up. He sat me down at one end and him at the other. When i looked at him his green eyes were studying my grey eyes. He looked like he was trying to memorize the picture of a lost child, and deep in his eyes he looked absolutely destroyed. This man carried a sorrow with him that made my heart cry. He looked sad and defeated, but when ever he looked at me that pain went away. His fingers were long and elegant, his check bones were perfect and his face was sculpted. His black hair was combed back and fell just bellow his ears. He looked very dapper in his suit and the grey pulled out the green in his eyes. he looked like royalty sitting at the other end of the table. He sat like a king and had a cold beauty with every movement he made.

He looked at me and then there was food on the table. "Loki, tell me who you are first. If i am to spend my life with you i need to know who you are."

Loki looked back at me, he lifted a silver goblet and took a sip. "Sounds fine love, But first eat, you must be hungry. You have had an eventful day, you need your food. After dinner we shall talk about identities and destiny, and how ours are one in the same, but for now" lifting his glass into the air. "To my soul mate, no matter how many times you evaded me in the past, We are now together let again" 

I was in for a long night. 

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