Once in a blue moon

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Loki had woken me up from my lovely nap. Sleeping next to him had to be the best feeling in the entire world. When you awoke you always felt refreshed, it must have had something to do with how his body would sometimes become chilly and warm again. It fascinated me. I was still not ready to give into him, he was rather charming, and he was starting to grow on me. I had almost forgotten about the family i had agreed to leave behind to follow him on this adventure. Today was the day that i was going to learn about this big secret. The one that both him and his brother seemed to know. Both Asgardians knew me, and both were fond of me. My fingers went to trace my lips, i remembered earlier this morning i had a run-in with Thor, and he had kissed me. I remembered the sadness in Lokis eyes when he realized my lips had been tainted by his older brother. Loki was holding my hand, his fingers laced in between mine. He took me to a rocky cove away from our cave, and away from the nearby town. 

The cove area was stunning. It was cut off by a wall of sheer cliffs. All colors of sandstone shone from their faces. The water was crystal clear and you could see the ripples in the sand that the smooth waves had created. This cove was like a mini paradise that only Loki knew about. To get to the cove we had to pass through a series of caverns, no one would be able to find us. 

I looked into my captors deep green eyes, he had a grin that mocked the Cheshire cats. "My dearest, are you ready to know who you are?" he took my hand and led me to a little outcrop of rocks. We sad down on the largest rock together. There was a little pile of sand on the warm rock, so i just nodded and started to run my fingers in patters in the soft sand.

"Draca, as i have told you, this is not the first time we have met. I met you when i was just a child, and you were just three years younger than I. I remember the day we met like it was yesterday. Thor and I  had been sent on our first hunt. Odin, our father, had told us that there was a pack of viscous animals on the outside of Asgard and it was our job to bring back the alphas of the pack. Now Thor and i had no idea what we were in for. We took our horses out and started our journey. It took us over two days to get to the farthest corner of our home. Once we got there we came across this pack of... what you would call ...Wolves. But the wolves on Asgard are the size of a horse, and could kill a warrior. Thor took out the largest one with ease, and it was my job to take out the other. The pack scattered and we were left with our kills. We were so proud of ourselves. Then we saw something, something that we missed. Out of the cave came a little white wolf pup with a black star across it's chest. It came over to us and licked my hands. When it saw its slaughtered parents it started to howl. Thor was about to deliver a fatal blow to it, but i stopped him. This little wolf pup had grey eyes, that looked more human than animal. We decided to leave the pup alone and started our journey home. On the way back we encountered a small girl. This girl was you Draca. No more than six. You told us this story of how you parents had been killed earlier that day, and you had no where to go. I convinced Thor to take you home. You hopped on the back of my black stallion with me, and we rode home. Odin was pleased with us for our kills, and was surprised when he laid eyes on you. Now draca, you had platinum blond hair that ran to your hip, and you were barefoot. You looked like nothing anyone had ever seen, you were frail compared to the Asgardians.. you looked like me. Odin set it up for us to study together, for i was the only one you would talk to. Together we learned the tricks of the universe, and i had almost forgotten about how we met. One day Odin yelled at me for never being as good of a warrior as Thor.. i came to you in a rage, and you took me out hunting. In all my anger i left you out there, only to be chased home by a large white wolf with a black star on its chest. The hatred in it's face was horrible. When i got home you were waiting for me with mud all over your hands. That's when i knew, i knew you were the wolf. But that's not all Draca. Once i found that out you told me everything. About how you had been abandoned by your parents, and the wolves had raised you. Draca, you are a shape-shifter, you can change into just about anything you want. We spent years trying to figure things out together, Improving our magical skills. One day while we were playing around the palace, you in your wolf form.. Odin found us, he took you and locked you up. He claimed that i was unfit you take care of a shape-shifter, and it was wrong for me to have a beast as a friend. That's when we found out you could also change into a dragon. Draca, you are the most powerful being i have ever come across. You turned into a mighty black dragon, and almost destroyed the palace. I tried to stop Odin, i really did. But he sentenced you to death. It was Thor's job to kill you. No one else knew you existed, only the family. So your death was not a big deal to the rest of the world. Many years passed, and i felt like i had lost my other half, i went into depression. Then one day, while out in the woods hunting, i came across a familiar wolf pup, White with a black star. I took you home and raised you. Not only could you shape-shift but you could be reincarnated. When i was about sixteen years, well that's how old i looked, i had found away to get you to turn into a human again. When you were back, you did not remember me at all, so i spent years trying to get you to fall in love with me again, and it worked. We spent hours in the library, and all over Asgard. You were to be my queen, we were to be wed. Odin had not remembered you, and grew fond. Then one day you grew ill and died. This cycle repeated over and over again, me never aging, but you coming back into my life as a new person. Every-time i had to get you to love me all over again. The last time though...you fell in love with Thor, Thor had been with me every step of the way. He had grown tired of it, and was convinced that the reason you were dying was because of me. So he sent you away to earth, out of my reach. You who was always mine. We grew up together Draca.And now after searching for years, i have found you again. Nothing can take you away from me...Nothing" Loki started weeping.

I looked down as my hands, had what he said been true? was i magical? was i a shape shifter like him? THat could not be true, i hated wolves, and dragons never caught my mind. I looked down at my chest, at the dark star shapped birthmark in the middle of my chest. There was no way Loki had seen that on me before. All of a sudden i got scared. What if he was lying to me, what if he had no idea who i really was and was just making this all up. What was i to do? I had not a single vicious bone in my body, i would never hurt a fly. Yet here was this god weeping in my arms, like i was some long dead lover. 

"Loki, i dont know if i can believe you. I am not a shape-shifter. And i am not some soul mate of yours that is constantly reincarnated. That is stuff of magic and dreams. Not reality." i looked him dead in the eyes, his red from crying.

"What must i do? Do i have to prove it to you? Fine. Draca. Lets duel. Then we shall see if you are who i claim you to be." The sad boy was gone, and was replaced with a steel faced warrior. He pushed me off of him and took a few paces back. He whipped his face off and drew out a blade and some rope. 

"No Loki, there has to be another way...Stop...Loki get back..Loki...loki." he was charging me, i had never been so scared, it all made sense why he had taken me here. No one would be able to hear my screams as this crazed man killed me. He was insane, i had been fooled by his charm. I felt the rope around my arm, he tied it down to a nearby rock. I was now trapped. I  fell to the ground and started crying, i screamed as loud as i could. 


He was on top of me. I heard my chest hit the ground before i felt it. He tied  more rope around my other arm. He was now on my back, he bent down and whispered in my ear "It's for your own good, i promise sweetheart, it will be over soon. I promise." Then he tilted my head back and kissed my lips. Only to run the dagger across my cheek, causing it to bleed. 

That. Was, Enough. I was not going to die like this. Not here. Not in his hands. I felt my skin start to shake and quiver. My legs went out beneath me, and my arms turned to jelly. The ropes slip from my wrists. I was free. I sprinted for the treeline, the wind in my hair, i had never felt so fast in my entire life. As i got to the edge i remembered there was no way out. I whimper escaped my mouth. No that was no longer a mouth. 

Where my mouth used to be was a white muzzle, my hands now huge paws. I stood up on all fours, and looked an my coat. So maybe Loki was right. Damn. I checked myself out, My coat was long and flowy, my tail was magnificent. I felt my massive teeth inside my mouth. I was a killing machine, nothing stood a chance against me. I came up to a mans breast if i would be to stand next to him. As i was enamoured by my new body i felt Loki slam me into the ground. Faster than i could let out a cry, my muzzle was tied shut with rope and my legs were tied. I was trapped.

"I told you. Darling, i told you. Please forgive me, but i new it was the only way. There was no other way to bring that side of you out. A side that you had always tried so hard to contain. I always found it... Amazing. So much power, at your disposal." he ran his fingers through my fur. That was such a strange thought. I had fur, it covered my entire body. He started playing with my ears "My love, just calm down, and you will turn back. We have a lot of training to do, and i need you to remember im not the bad guy. No one is. Just trust in me, and i will trust you." He started to move his way to my muzzle, he untied the rope and slid it off my snout. 

Lokis body still held me down so there was no way i was escaping, an hour ago i was in love with him against me. I let out a whimper. Now there was no way i was ever going to go home, who would want me, a freak, besides this Loki charachter. As i was contemplating my demise i started to freak out, my heart rate start to skyrocket. Loki started stroking my neck, and then i felt a pinch. My massive head fell into the sand, my body had gone limp. I greeted unconsciousness as a friend for it got to take me away from this hell of a reality. 

Just this morning i has been contemplating how wonderful it was to sleep with Loki, now i was unsure of everything that i knew. 

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