Is it getting Frosty in here?

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" Treason doth never prosper: whats the reason?Why, if it prosper, none doth call it treason." -Sir John Harrington

There i was, dressed in Lokis clothing staring into the broken Thor. I had no idea how to react to this, I had feelings for Loki, but it was obvious that Thor also harbored some of his own. I stood up and made my way over to him. I got to the glass on the rim of the cage.

"Thor, its not what it looks like."

"Draca, as a matter of fact it looks like what it is. My mischivous brother has taken your fagile heart once again." He wipped a tear off of his face "I understand why you would feel for him, but to not even give me a chance? How cruel can you get Draca? Must to stomp out this flame that still feels for you?" He got off the ground and brushed himself off with his masssive hands. He had a strange gait. Much more deliberate compared to Lokis delecate gait. He was obviously the football player brother and Loki was the missunderstood artist. Thor put his hand against the glass, and i raised him up to meet his.

We stood their like that for a while, our blue eyes locking. His were an ocean blue, whist mine were an icy blue. 

"Thor, i had no idea. Just a week ago i was running around Portland with my guitar singing in coffee shops, Now im on an air ship and im a monster. I find you to be just as unfair." I started fiddling with the green scarf. "At least Loki seems to try." Now that was going to far.

"You know what Draca? I was comming to let you out. We were going to run away together, i was going to take you to Asgard. You were going to be mine, and tonight was going to be our night. Not Lokis night. He always gets what i want." Thor slammed his hand into the wall, causing the glass to crack. 'Im not giving up." He started to walk away, but turned. "Oh and by the way, Tony has something interesting to tell you that you might find interesting."

He left me all alone, No loki to comeback and help me get through the night, and now no Thor. I had hurt my only friend on the ship.Maybe i could get that Steve guy to be nice to me. Or maybe it was time to step my game up. I needed to get off this ship, and i was willing to do just about anything to give that a try.

I looked at the crack in the wall, maybe if i hit that really hard i would be able to break through. Just as i was about to run head first into the wall  in walked Tony Stark. Boy, did this man make me angry. He breathed arrogance.

"Damn, why did no one tell me you were pretty." 

"Why did no one tell me you were a fool? oh wait, i could tell just by looking at you"

"Oh and Witty!! I can see why Loki has his eyes set on you. Well Draca, Lokis prize show dog, I have some news you might want to hear as i bet Thor told you."

"Im all ears, but sadly i have to be somewhere in a few. You know how these glass cages can get". if he was going to be mean i was going to have some fun. "Shoot"

"So, we were scanning you blood" He was fiddling with his thumb nail, not really caring much. "When we found a trace of something, rather interesting."

"Oh dont tell me, Im part wolf?!?!?! Damn what am i going to do?? Howl at the moon for the rest of my life??"

"Ha. Silly girl. No it is more serious. What you have running through you veins resembles the energy force that the tesseract gives off. You my fine lassie dog, are a living, breathing, tesseract. Ever wonder why your life span is so short? The power that makes you wolf woman kills you. Also, if you dont know already, the people who run this joint LOVE power, and the tesseract is the big daddy of power. Now, here we have a human, who possess the power of the tesseract in them. I wonder how that is going to play out for you? If you are slow today let me spoil the secret. Draca it ends badly, and im not a fan of destroying something to create weapons of mass destruction."

"Your lying"

"Ha. I dont know you, i just find it unjust. The tesseracts power does not belong in mortal hands, and it seems like you had no idea about this yourself. am i right?"

I slammed my hand into the wall. This cannot be true, was i going to turn into a lab power outlet? "Who else knows this?"

"Just Bruce and I, and i highly doubt that Loki himself even knows. But we need to get you out of here as fast as we can. Fury will find out by morning and i cant have that happen." Tony walked over to a control panel and started to press buttons. "Now your not going to go wolf on me and kill me? Your savior?"

"ahah, Im not a monster. Im a pacifist. I just got delt a deadly hand." I was in shock about all of this news, i needed to talk to Loki and figure this all out for myself.

"Well then, Im going to let you out. Just run down the hallway, and we are close to the ground, you should be able to make it. Just remember, if we come after you, which we will. I will be rooting for you." He let me out. 

I ran by him, giving him a fast hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Now you can say you got a kiss from a shapeshifter."

"I wish you the best of luck. Now run, but be quiet." he yelled behind me as a rounded a corrner.

I had just been set free by my captor, and i had powers i did not even know about. It was around three in the morning, and the ship was quiet. I ran around the ship trying to find a window. Alas, i found one. I lept on the ledge opening the window, below me three hundred or so feet to a icy lake below. I was only going to make this as a wolf. I turned and went to the other side of the room. I needed something to make me angry, so i could build up the adrenaline to change. Then i got my wish. In walked Thor with his mighty hammer and asgardian battle atire. I felt like he looked  so familiar like that, had we used to hunt together?

. Thor did not know Stark let me out on a free pass, he though i was escaping. This was my perfect excuse to find a way to change. I covered my eyes, counted to ten. i was going to have some fun with Thor here, I was angry and feeling powerful, and he was betrayed and obviously angry.

"Ready or not here i come." I took my hand off my eyes. Just like Loki and i had done before.

"I found you." I let a little growl escape my throat. This was going to be fun.

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