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My whole life long i learn'd to love.  this hour my utmost art i prove. and speak my passion-Heaven or Hell? She will not give me heaven? 'Tis well!  - "One Way Of loving"

My face froze.

What was Loki talking about? Why was he proposing to me? This all made no real sense to me.

"Loki. Loki. Loki. I cant even think str-" He put a finger to my lips, cutting me off mid-sentence. His eyes were full of sorrow.

"Draca, it is a rather simple question for you. I love you, you seem to have feelings for me. I say we prove our love and join hands." He removed his finger from my lips. "I can see why this would catch you off guard, but keep in mind, we were fated to be married before you left me. Almost every-time before we part, we are to get married. The past you always said yes, if you could do it then, i think you owe it to me to do it now." 

"But Loki. I know you have known me for a while, but i do not know you like that yet. You seem to love me on such a deep level that im incapable of returning." I sat up, pulling myself away from his warm and inviting self.

Loki slammed his coffee mug on the table. He was obviously angry with my hesitation. He got up on the booth, and opened his arms to all who were still in the quiet coffee shop. 

"Friends! I have just confessed my love for this beautiful woman." He pointed at me. "She is my soul mate, i love her with my entire heart. Nothing will ever do us any harm that will cause me to stop loving her." He looked around, he had now gotten the peoples attention.

"Now my darling is hesitating. There should be no hesitation in love, only the desire to risk it all for the other. The desire to please, and be pleased." He looked down at me. "Again i ask you, darling Draca, be my wife. Be my other half, my missing puzzle piece, without you i cannot be whole."

The crowd looked at me. Here i was, about to say no to him, and they all knew it.

"You better say yes" .


"Girl, your Romeo is at your window, and you are just going to let him freeze?"

Those were just a handful of the comments i heard from the angry group. Clever. Clever. Clever Loki. He knew i would never dream of turning him down in front of an audience, it was against my nature. If he was going to be my Romeo, i might as well play my part up as his Juliet. I stood up on the booth next to him.

"I guess this is why we are called star-crossed lovers. I cant seem to get enough of you." I pulled him in close, and kissed him infront of the entire coffee shop crew. They went wild, it was as if we had told them a new brand of coffee was discovered that would make life everlasting. There were  bursts of whoops and hollers. I only focused on this kiss, i wanted it to be perfect. I could feel Loki relaxing under my arms. He muscles loosened, and he ran his fingers through my hair. Such a lovely kiss.

"GIVE HER THE RING MAN!" . These people were the best. Loki glanced at the hipster, but pulled out a frail brown parcel from the pocket of his red and white flannel. He undid the little sting that tied it together. Pulling out a small ring.

"I give you my family ring. A token of our undying love." He slipped it on my ring finger with great care. Then proceeded to give it a gentle kiss. Loki looked quiet pleased with himself. The jem stone was a diamond, that in different lights changed hues. One minuet green as Lokis eyes, the next a blue the same tint as mine. It was perfect.

"How long have you had that on you?" i asked him with a careful tone.

"Since the day i turned sixteen, i knew from then on i was to marry you, and only you." He whispered  in my ear, then he kissed the side of my face. "Lets get out of here Mrs. Laufeyson. We have things to discuss."

I hoped I had not gotten myself into a mess. I was now; quiet literally, Loki's.

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