Stiff Fingers

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"Just one more" 

Some unfamiliar man was standing over my body, holding a huge needle. Looking upward i sighed, fighting was not worth it anymore. The room was spinning, everything in it a sterile white color. In one of the corners was a huge machine that was hooked up to me. Beeping and flashing it seemed to be reading me, figuring out just what i was. I felt the needle go into my lower thigh, The pain was horrid. He drew a veil of my blood. It was a sickening feeling to see ones blood, to see something that needed to stay inside you.

"Look up", he came over to my face holding a light in my eyes. It took my blue eyes a second to adjust, but they locked on to the light with ease. I tried to move my head, but to my distress i failed. Every limb was strapped down, and around my neck was a large heavy collar, and a lock that held it to the table. I looked at what should be my hand, only to find it as a massive white paw. Awhine escaped my muzzle, someone from behind stroked my back. I was not a dog, i found this action degrading even though they were only trying to comfort me. My tail hung off the silver table and could touch the floor. I let it dangle there, i had no energy left in my body. Tubes and needles ran off of me in every which way. Then i saw someone i recognised.

In walked Thor, followed by a tall, black man with an eye patch. Thor looked angry, and he came to my side, laying a hand protectively over me. "Fury, what do you want from her. She has done you do wrong, and i can promise you there is not a vile bone in her body". "Thor, i told you. We need to find out what created her, and why she has these...Powers"

I yelped, Fury had stepped on my tail. "Can it understand us?".. "Why of course, she is not an animal. Well she looks like one, but really she is Asgardian like Loki and I." ..."What can you tell us Thor. Save your friend from more pain, we need to know".

Thor pulled a chair up next to me stopping only to look into my eyes. He sat down and started playing with my paw. "Fine. I will tell you all i know. Though the one you need to speak to relating to this is Loki. As much as i hate saying it. Loki knows everything about her, to where she came from, to who she is now. I only know the basics."

"Out with it then." My own heart started racing, the machine behind me made beeping noises that sounded like my heart. My tail was twitching, swooshing along the floor and gathering dust. What would Thor have to say?

"So, Loki found her on our first hunt, we killed the beasts she called her parents. Later that day we came across a young girl, about our age, and we took her home. She grew up with us, hunted with us, she was a part of the family. A member no one else knew of. Loki always had his eyes on her, he was fascinated from the start, not to say i was not. The two left me out of their games, i was always the odd one out. They studied magic together, and learned everything about the bifrost.".

"We dont need the love story thunder, we need the facts.".

"Oh yeah sorry." he wiped a tear from his eye. "Well one day Loki came back saying a wolf attacked him, and that he thought it was his Draca. We found this to be true. Odin was not happy, and sentenced her to death. I was the one who had to kill her, but i could not... and Loki had to deliver the final blow... Basically why she is here now is, she is magical Fury, she comes back to life, reborn to say. I do not know why or how. But it is true. It is worthless to ask her anything, she can never remember her identity. Never living past twenty five. Thats all i really know"

TWENTY FIVE. Thats all the time i had left? How was i going to do anything with that little amount of time? There was no way. I started freaking out, i had to get out of here, away from these people talking about my future, away from Thor. I felt a sharp pinch in my side, sudlenly i calmed down. In walked Stark.

"Is Fido having a meltdown yet?" he walked over to the man doing the tests. "Ha, not quiet yet." He had brown hair and was short compared to the others. His name was Bruce, that seemed familiar to me in many ways."Stark, i have all the data I need, what are we to do now?" Bruce asked.

"Well lets put it in that glass cage we made. If it can hold an angry you, it can hold  a dog. Call in Cap." Stark ordered. Next to join the party was Spandex man, he was rather adorable. If i had been a human i would be blushing. "Cap i want you to walk this mutt back to its new kennel" Stark really did not like me. "Sounds good."

They slipped a metal muzzle over my snout and attached ropes around my neck. Slowly my restraints were removed, and the table lowered. I was all drugged up, barely able to stand up. I fell into Cap, Almost knocking him over. He laced his arms around my underbelly, lifting me up. "Im just going to carry her, she seems friendly". i let my body go limp, i did not want to cause him any problems. 

When we got to the room i was shocked, It was a massive circular room made of glass. He put me down in the middle, took the ropes off and removed the muzzle, and slowly walked outside, locking me in. I stood up, shaking my body off. It must have taken him aback, to see a large white wolf with human blue eyes. I wagged my tail, sat down and howled. It was late into the night, and i could feel the full moon outside. Bellow us other wild wolves heard my tune and replied with their own howls. Soon the entire ship was full of a chorus of our ghosty voiced. After finishing I paced around for a while, finally laying down. I wrapped my tail around my muzzle, now free of the metal restraint. Captain just sat down a watched me. Our eyes never moving from eachothers. 

Then a familiar scent caught my attention. I shot up, sniffing the floor. Loki had been in here. I suddenly felt homesick. I missed Loki, even though he had taken me from my life i felt something for him. I pittied the sad man behind his geen eyes, the one who clamined to love me. That gave me hope. I found a new spot where it smelled like him and his leather and let out a huge sigh as i fell to the ground. I wondered what he was doing, was he okay? I hoped he worried about me, or maybe he was fine.

"Draca, i just want you to know... i know how it feels to be treated like a lab subject,  to be poked and prodded. My name is Steve. I just wanted to clear the air... Do you miss him? Loki i mean. It seems like you, him, and Thor have a complicated relationship." He was on the floor fiddling with his fingers. "Haha here i am talking to a wolf..." he got up off the floor, and started to walk away. "Sweet dreams Draca. Best of luck Tomorrow"

I was now alone. I fell asleep that night whimpering, at somepoint it turned to crying. Little did i know i was going to get a visitor later.. Better yet, I was Draca again. 

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