Icy Blue With Green Hues

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" There's no blame, for how our love did slowly fade. But now that it's gone it's like it was not there at all. And here i rest where disappointment and regret collide...lying awake at night"- Title and Registration, Death Cab For Cutie

It felt so perfect.

It felt so right.

Here i was walking through the woods of the Pacific Northwest with a god. I was walking barefoot; and i could feel every leaf, and pebble rub against my soles.Loki's arm was intertwined in mine, our fingers woven together to make an unbreakable hand hug. It was strange to think just about a week ago i had been kidnapped by him. Loki challenging me with the idea of soul mates. Then to figure out i was a shape shifter all in the same week! It was rather crazy for my high school mind to grasp. More had happened to me in the past days than in my entire life.

I looked up at Loki. He looked dashing dressed up as a hipster. He had nailed it, the messy hair, the jeans, the flannel, he even had the walk down. His smell that had caught my eye on the first night was there again, it was like if someone caught all the melancholy and joy, and put into a scent. That would be his smell. It made you think just what had happened to him in his past. I wondered, why had the "Avengers" treated him like such a villain. I did not know much about him, and here i was starting to fall head over heels for him.

Loki took my hand and raised it to his lips. He then tenderly kissed each finger. 

"I am so happy you have given me this chance; spending time with you keeps me out of trouble."

"Loki, i still don't quiet get this all. Do you have have the slightest idea as to why i am like this?" i started fiddling with his fingers. 

"As a matter of fact i do...And it is all my fault.... OH but Draca dear, look at the time! your time slot is coming up soon! We better get to the coffee shop." He hugged me, pressing me up against his bony chest. In an instant we vanished, only to reappear outside of a small book store/coffee shop. I was familiar with it, it was only the hardest venue to get because it was always booked.

In my hands lay my guitar, all six strings ready for the ten song set i had planned. "How do i look?" i spun around, letting my skirt fly up around my upper thigh.

"ehehe, you look rather stunning, and..perfect... but let me fix that hair... come here." He motioned for me to get closer. I turned and let him take my braid down, he ran his fingers through it and quickly did a tight new braid. Not a hair was out of place. "Now for the most important touch." He pulled out a black rose from the folds of his flannel. "The sign of our undying love, that proves to me that nothing is impossible. If you can give me chance after chance to win your heart; than who knows, it just might be fate. No. It is fate, our destinies are one in the same." As he gave his heart felt monologue worthy of a Shakespearean sonnet he slipped the rose in my braid. "Now i will be in the front cheering you on. Good luck love." And he kissed my forehead.

"Thanks!" I speed off, leaving him waiting behind me. Before to long i was back stage. The shop was quaint with a tiny little stage, mostly for karaoke, and the occasional artist. 

"Up next is the Barefoot Crusader, strait from our very own streets! Give her a warm round of applause!" Such a nice carasmatic anouncer. I strode out to the stage, taking a seat on the stool that stood center stage. 

"How are you guys doing? Tonight im going to sing you some love songs. Because we all know the pains a heart can go through, and sometimes, the only thing you can do about it is.. to.. just sing."

the crowd was large, but the only person i cared about was the tall man, with black hair and green eyes just feet from the stage watching me. As my fingers danced over the steel, my voice rang over the melodies. I poured my soul into the riffs, using all my heart. I sang all the sorrow, and longing of a lovesick soul into my songs. Then i started to replace the longing with new found love. Listening to my set was like watching a drama unfold. One song was sad, and the next happy; creating an emotional roller-coaster that the audience was trapped on. 

Soon i was finished with my lovesick set. It had gone perfectly, not a note out of place. I gave the audeienve one last bow, and i jumped off the stage with grace. Discovering my wolfy side had helped me understand a new way of life. I used to trip up a set of stairs, now that seemed rather silly. 

"Great job darling." Loki stood up and gave me hug and a quick kiss. In his hand was a tall latte, my favorite coffee drink.

"I hope that's for me, and not some other girl." I laughed playfully. 

"Sweetheart, I'm all yours. You know that by now". he handed me my hot drink and we went to sit down in a booth. We sat together on the same side, me crawling up next to him. Just then a short, spunky blond showed up. 

"Oh my gosh, you did such a great job Draca!" She was from my school, and she always made fun of me.

"Haha thanks Destiny. It means a lot that you think that!" i tried to keep a smile on my face. This had been the girl that made me hate myself for years.  Then i realized the true reason she came over to greet me.

"Oh Draca, want to introduce me to your friend? I have never seen you around." She leaned over my table, making sure to flash Loki with her low cut shirt. Loki grabbed my hand, eyes huge, looking down at my coffee. Ice was starting to form around the edges of the cup, my hands slowly turning as well.

"I am Loki, and i am happy to be given the glorious purpose of loving Draca. I am her cosmic lover." He came off as just sounding like a romantic, but it was true. Loki was my cosmic love. He then took her hand and kissed it, making sure to stare her down with his stunning green eyes.

"Wait. You mean you are.. her boyfriend? Draca, i never thought you had it in ya." That was it, I started squeezing Lokis hand. 

"Shuush, Draca. Remember we can go home and i can whisper sweet nothings in your ear all night." He quietly told me, just loud enough for me to hear. I eased off on my vice grip.

"It was great seeing you Destiny, Loki and i have some important things we need to talk about now" I looked in her eyes, challenging her. I was an alpha, and one look from me could get even the strongest of hearts to give in. This power was great.

"Oh, did not mean to touch a nerve. Ha. I have to get going anyways. buu-by draca... au'revoir  Loki." She left as soon as she had come.

"Darling, you need not get jealous. No one will ever match the love i have for you. She was not even worth of Thors eye. By the way, you almost killed my hand there. And you also have yourself an iced coffee there." he pointed at my completely frozen coffee.

"opps, i did not know that would happen. Loki i dont get why i am so..Icy now." i went back to leaning into him. My legs were hanging off the side of the booth, his were under me, creating a barrier so i would not fall. He sat back playing with my hair.

"I could tell you everything, or, you could make an important promise to me now." he kissed my head. "Then i could tell you everything you need to know".

"What could that be Loki?" I wondered what i was going to have to do to get more of my past out of him.

"It is simple doll." I noticed his hands were shaking, tentatively stroking my hair. I turned around on my stomach, my head now on his chest.

"Well i will do just about anything for you at this point Loki." i poked his chin. Then running my fingers down his chin and on to the top button of his shirt.

He let out a huge sigh.

"Be my wife"

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