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I woke up the next morning with Loki next to me. He had somehow moved me off his lap, and my head was now resting in the crook of his arm. His other arm laied protectively over my body. I must say, i enjoyed this feeling of sharing another persons body heat, he felt like he belonged right where he was. Loki was fast asleep, lost in a maze of dreams that not even i dare think of. Was he dreaming of me? Or that strange land he called home? I did not want to dwell on the topic much longer. I looked down at my wrist, covered with over thirty other bracelets, all made by my friends. The one that stood out to me was the thin black leather one, the one that Loki gave me the first time we met. I turned to face him. His breathing was shallow, and he looked so frail. His cheek bones were stunning, but he looked far to skinny. My lips started tingling, i HAD kissed him last night .. they felt suddenly cold and yearned to feel the rush of his lips again. 

I laied next to him for another good hour or so before i tried to get up. I wiggled out from under his arm, and i carefully placed my pillow in my place. Almost immediately he started cuddling with the pillow like i had never left. I got up and rubbed the cave dust off of my sweater. My huge white sweater was soaking wet, and i was freezing. It was about mid November, and it was getting nippy. I went over to the huge table, still a mess with the dinner from the night before. I saw Loki's spilled wine, and his untouched plate. I picked up my messenger bag, and dug out my camera from its depths.

My camera was an old nikon that had seen just about every important moment in my family. I popped a roll of film in the back, being carefull not to wind the film to much, and not to over expose it. I closed the back and proceeded to take a plethora of pictures. I took a picture of the table, and the delicate black rose. I wandered to the back of the cave and took a picture of the luminous blue box, and a scepter. Moving further back i came to Loki's room. It was massive and regal looking. Everything was covered in black or green velvet. I strode over to his bed where i took another picture. I found some clothes of his and put on what looked like a black flannel, but upon touching felt like some strange material. I took my soggy sweater off and tossed his shirt on. 

This shirt , carried with it the same beautiful smell that caught my nose the first night i met him. I took a picture of myself wearing his shirt, i wanted to make sure i documented this. I walked out of his room, with my camera around my neck and the sleeve of the shirt to my face, i could not get over the smell that wafted off of it.

Loki was still passed out spooning my pillow, i took a picture of him. He looked so innocent and boysih.  I still wanted to kiss him again, but i stopped myself. I walked to the front of the cave, this was   a place i had come with my family one summer. The smell of the air outside was fantastic, i had always loved Oregon after a good rain, which was basically everyday. I walked out of the cave, jumping down the rocky ledges that you had to scale to get in. Once on the beach i went down to the water and the tide pools. This is where i grew up. As a child i had learned the perfect way to pick up starfish, and how to spot whales from the coast. It shocked me that Loki would take me here. I strode down to the mouth of one of the larger tide pools.. But it seemed like someone else had beaten me there.

Sitting dead center in the middle of my paradise was the man i had seen in my dream the night before. He was tall and well built. He had muscles on his muscles. The strange man looked at me, and sniffed the air. The wind blew my hair up into a nest around my head. My hair was the same shade as his, and with the pacific gusts we both looked like a pair of crazy lions. Our skin color was even the same it was uncanny. As soon as he got a good look at me he got up, and grabbed me.

In that instant i was screaming and kicking at this bronze god. "GET OFF OF ME." as i was screaming for help this man put his huge palm over my mouth. "shhhhhh, stay quiet.. i am Thor, the god of thunder, you must have heard about me at some-point from my brother"... My eyes got huge, was he also from this strange land of Asgard?

He looked me in the eyes. " Draca... is that you?...." Thor took his hand off my mouth and replaced it with his lips. I have never been so confused in my entire life. Ho could he know me, and what gave him a right to do this. I pulled myself off of him and slapped him across his face. "Now dont you tell me you know who i am as well" i told him harshly.

"Why draca of course i do... how could i ever forget you, I was there when Loki saved your life." Thor looked sad and confused. "Then he took you away from me, and i never thought i would see you again. And now here you are! i came to earth to find Loki, but instead i found you! this day could not be better, Odin will be so pleased! My draca please tell me.. why are you wearing my brothers shirt? is he near" thor got a look of rage on his face. "i will not let him take you again"

So now i had no idea what was up and what was down. Two strange men claiming to know me. I decided I would be better off with Loki for i had already made a promise with him. "No...urm..Thor is it? He is not.. and i do not know you, so i would appriciate it if you let me continue on my day." I held my camera up and took a picture of him. He looked taken aback by my statement.

"...oh.. sorry miss.. i miss took you for someone else.." Thor looked highly embarrassed " im just looking for a long lost friend."... "Well I'm sure she is somewhere, just not here on my beach." i told him. Thor looked like he doubted me, but he took a step back and started to walk away. Now compared to Loki, he gave up fairly easy.  It was obvious i was who he was looking for, i was wearing Lokis clothing and he could smell him on me. 

I rushed back to the cave to find Loki and to get some answers. If this Thor fellow was telling the truth, i wanted to know why and how Loki had saved my life and exactly what was going on. Loki was still in a neat little nest on the floor, i got down next to him and removed the pillow and put myself back where it was. As soon as i was nestled in his arms Loki woke up. "WHAT IN ODINS NAME!!! WHAT!!! DRACA WHY HAVE YOU KISSED THOR" Loki looked betrayed and on the verge of tears. How could he know that i had run into Thor? Then i remembered if he was a god he could probably read my mind, and i smelled of Thor. " Loki, i feel like you are in no place to be angry with me, he was out on the beach, he had been searching for you all night. He said something about you Saving my life and taking me away from him. I feel like before you get angry with me you explain this.". We looked into each-others eyes, his emerald green mocking my simple gray eyes, that would be blue on some days and green on others.  All of a sudden his eyes gave up and he looked at me with a gaze that was so full of love it would drive a romantic nuts. This man would do anything for me. "Fine draca, fine. I feel like i have not been honest with you. You are more than just who you think you are. But dont let thor fill your head with lies. He took you from me. You, Who, Was, Always. Mine", inbetween words he kissed me. I could tell he was honest, he really did have deep feelings for me, and i was about to learn why.  I was sudenly extreemly sleepy, Loki looked at me with a huge grim. Was it possible he could manipulate my emotions and make me so sleepy. All i wanted now was to be next to him again, and to feel his breating matching mine in the midst of the night. All i wanted was to have him hold me agian. "Loki...Loki.. im sleepy", the grin got bigger as he opened his arms and hugged me. What ever had angered him was now gone. I laid down next to him, in the crook of his arm. He played with my hair as i drifted off. We went back to sleep for the rest of the morning, I was not ready to know the truth quiet yet, what harm could a nap do?

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