Degrees Kelvin

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"Take my share of a fickle heart / Mine of a paltry love: Take it or leave it as you will / I will wash my hands thereof " - Christina Rosetti

I looked at Thor with a power i never knew i possessed. For some reason i was beyond angry with him. How dare he act like the victim, how dare he try to make me feel for him. Deep in my heart i knew i should not fight him, i should just turn my back and jump, leaving him behind me. There was something about the smirk that ran across his Nobel face that made me uneasy. Thor was handsome, but no where near as magnificent to me as Loki. I had always preferred the nerd to the jock. Always the one to protect the victim to the bully. My heart went out to Thor, but i lacked the love i felt for Loki. 

"Draca, you dont have to fight me. We can still run away together. Start a family, and be happy. You dont have to do this." Thor pleaded as he swung his hammer around in circles. Seeing the sadness in his eyes filled me with a sense of power, i had him at my finger tips. 

"No Thor, if i leave you now you will just chase me." I did not mean to sound as harsh as i did. I only needed to shift so i could survive the jump, and the only way i had changed in the past had been in times of need. I charged at Thor, only to get smacked down by his massive hammer.

OOMMFF! i hit the ground hard with a thud. I got up, but this time instead of being on my hind legs, i was on all fours. I shook my fur under my massive shoulders. The white mess fell gently back perfectly into place. i felt my ears fall back on my head as a crept towards Thor. 

"No. I refuse to cause you any more harm." Thor put his hammer down and knelt down before me. "I kneel to you Draca." This was strange. I walked over to him, wagging my tail. I licked the side of his face, much like a domestic dog would to his owner when he gets back from a trip. I wanted Thor to know i was not a monster, but i did mean business. He patted me on my shoulder. "ouch draca, your freezing." He took his hand off me. "It's...It's like you are ice." He held his hand in shock. That seemed like a great way to leave him. 

I turned my back on him and made a dead sprint for the window. I lept through with all my might. 

I felt the cold mountain air running through my fur, i was free falling strait for the cold glacier water underneath me. I braced myself for the shock of water i was sure to feel. Three. Two. One.


I was down. My fur was heavy and I had no idea how to swim. I frantically moved my legs, trying to pull myself out. The water above me was frozen. My world was starting to go blank. Fading...Fading..

"Did you guys see that?" I heard a voice above me. Not long after i felt someone dive into the water. A rope was put around my neack and as soon i was being draged out of my icy grave by a group of young men. I was on the ice at this point, i looked around at them. Belly down on the ice, i noticed the men were kids from a nearby camp. This set of boys always hiked around here, and boy was a glad they found me. I got up and strode over to one of the smaller boys. He was scrawny, he had a backpack that was large for him and he wore light brown kakies. I brought my face up to his and licked it. I tossed my hindquarters in the air like a dog wanting to play. I wanted to show they how glad i was that they had helped me. I stood there looking this boy in the eyes for a long time. 

"Are you a spirit?" He held out his hand to me, and i placed my muzzle in it. I wanted him to have a great story to tell his freinds. His shaggy brown hair and blue eyes captivated me. He looked so familiar. He took this time to slip his necklace off over his own neck and tied it around mine. 

"Kiba. It means fang. Great white one." He rubbed my nose. I licked him once more, the sat down infront of them all. I tossed my head back and let out a ghostly howl. My howl attracted all the other wolves and soon all of them were singing along with me. This went on for quiet a long time. It was time for me to go now. I looked at the hiking group, and took off.

I had given those guys a great deal of stories to tell in the future. Who knew, it might turn into a legend of the great white wolf of the northwest. I was starving, it was time to find Loki and find food. I ran over the forest floor with suck grace. I lept over logs, and wove inbetween trees with great ease. Even as a child the woods were always my true home. I would spend hours at a time unearthing their hiddlen secrets. 

"Draca!" I did a summesault., Falling over my paws. "Draca! It's me!". Behind me was Loki. I ran over to him whimpering and wagging my tail. I fell to the ground rolling over on my back. I was so happy to be free and away from those silly avengers. I had so much i needed to tell him, so much he might be able to help me with. 

"Darling, it's not like i was dead! i was always here, i was never going to leave you." He wrapped his arms around my neck. my breathing slowed down, i finally felt safe. "sweetheart... whats going on?" he let go of me. He looked down at his arms, now a ghostly blue shade. He took a few steps back and the color faded. "Draca, your chest" i looked down. What used to be a black star was now spreading, my coat was turning a dark grey shade instead of its winter white. "I think we are going to have to talk about somethings Draca. It seems like i am not the only one who has these powers. Why did i not see it sooner. Come."

I went over to him and draped my head over his shoulder. Before i could blink i felt a sharp pinch in my side. Darkness was coming over me. I was loosing consciousness yet again. "This is the only way i can get you to be yourself again." he showed me a veil full of a blue liquid.

I let out a whimper as i fell to the ground. My body started to shake, this forced change hurt. I could feel my bones crunching and forming into smaller human bones. My fangs were gone, and i shed my winter skin. I twisted and turned, tossing up leaves in my struggle. Soon my whimpers turned to screams. I was human again. 

"Take a blanket" Loki tossed a blanket over me. "I dont want to see you like that." 

"Loki i cant.. i cant get up.. im too weak". The fall from the ship was starting to set in and i was shivering. 

"Sweetheart, here" He picked me up i his arms, holding me close to his chest. I buried my face in his coat, and put my hands against his chest. He was warm and i was cold. Soon my entire body was a shade of blue. "We need to get you somewhere warm."

"Coffee...Shhhopp" i said inbetween shivers.

"Now we can go on our first date Draca, but first i think it would be wise if we found you some clothing." 

"That.. would be.. real nice Loki." I was rather exhausted, and Lokis body heat was so welcoming. Sleep then coffee, sounded like a good plan to me. 

"Sweet dreams my love."

"If dreams there be Loki.. if dreams there be."

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