Losing feeling

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I woke up before Loki. He had his arms wrapped around me, holding me snugly against his body. I could feel every breath he took. His long fingers were laced in my matted hair. I stared idly at the wood that made up our fortress. The redwood was magnificent and told a thousand stories with its crimson bark. We must have run all the way to norther California. We were deep in the forest. My mind flashed back to my room, covered with rainbow christmas lights and its walls plastered with posters of my favorite bands. I started to miss home even more, I remembered i left my old Nikon in the cave along with my guitar. That camera meant the world to me, and that guitar had been my voice when times got hard.

I started to cry, sobbing so loudly it would wake the dead. Loki did not wake up, but pulled me in closer. He ran his hand over my back and let me cry into his leathery outfit. It seemed like this was all he ever wore. A leather battle suit with gold accents, it was covered with random tear stains. I wondered if he owned any other clothing, i looked down at the shirt i was wearing. It was one of his, the fabric soft and full of his scent. Everything in my world smelled better. Then it hit me. I was starving. On my run to escape Thor i had remembered seeing a deer heard. I wiggled out of Lokis lovesick hold he had on me. I had the black rose he gave me from our first meeting, i tied a note to it telling him i was going to find us some food. I slipped its thorny stem into his hand. That way when he woke up he would know was only hunting. I left his clothes there too, i knew i would have to need for them where i was going.

I was out in the middle of the woods. Leaves falling from the trees into my fur. Changing had been easy this time, it seemed to come naturally. I loved being a wolf, i felt stonger and graceful. My four paws barely made a sound as i ran though the underbrush. I covered distance faster than any car could. I was now in the middle of Oregon. My fur was wet from the rain, i had come across a heard of Elk. 

I crouched down low to the ground, the leaves sticking to my soft belly. The elk were unfamiliar with wolves so they did not pick op on my scent. I followed them for a few miles and planned my attack. I was going to take out the big female deer and her calf. A easy kill for a first time hunter. I darted out of my hiding place and the heard scattered. I jumped on the back of the female and dug my teeth into her flesh. Down she went, i killed with grace, not wanting to cause un-needed pain. Next went the fawn. They stood no match for me, i tore into my breakfast. Me. Draca. A vegetarian was in the middle of the woods eating raw flesh. 

Soon my white muzzle was covered with blood and my paws were just as messy. I hid the female's carcase. I was going to take a swim and wash the blood off before i brought food back to Loki. Ah Loki, He would be so proud of me! As i was lost in this train of thought i heard an arrow glide past my ear. I jumped, turning to face my attacker.

He was wearing all black and looked like an assassin. He had a massive bow and was pulling out a new arrow, this one aimed at my star on my chest. I must look like a crazed killer to him, all covered in blood. I looked him dead in the eye, my blue eyes catching his hazel. He looked rather familiar, but i was unsure. I darted behind a tree, and sprinted away from him. I was in no mood to fight and he was not worth my time. Thats when i felt the arrow go into the back of my leg. I fell head first into the ground, digging up the grass and small trees. I whimpered and started biting and my hind leg. The pain was horrible, i had no idea how to react to it. My body was freaking out, and there was no way i would be able to turn back.

Now this archer was above me, holding his arrow infront of my head. He touched a head set in his ear "Hey stark, i have something you should come see. i think i found it"

I was doomed, bound to die right here. I only hopped he would turn me into a nice wall mount, not some carpet you would step on. Even on the ground i came up to his waist. I was huge, i looked at him with my eyes, full of sorrow, i was scared. If i was going to die i might as well fight. As my attacker was scouting my body, taking pictures and touching my wound, i made my move. In one swift movement i grabbed his bow and broke it in my powerful jaws, just like that a quick snap and it was history. I used the last of my strength to run for the mountains.

As i was running, my gait became more of a limp. i heard a strange noise above me. The trees started swaying and i was in the middle of a meddow. There was no where to hide. In the sky was a huge ship, it covered a large amount of space,  i had no idea how it could be airborn. Out of the ship came a man in a gold and red suit made of what looked like iron. He flew down and landed right infront of me. I showed my teeth, trying to come off as scary and deadly as i could to him. The man just looked at me, scanning over my entire entity. I let out a whimper, my leg was loosing blood fast. 

"Fury, we got your puppy." 

I tried to stay on my feet. I jumped at him, but he tossed me off. "Hey Barton, mind tying it up for me?". Before i could react a net was dropped over my body. That was it for me, no more fighting. I fell to the ground  with a huge defeated sigh. Whimpering i looked at him. The suit parted away from his face exposing a rather attractive man, i recognised him. It was Tony Stark. What did he want with me? He strode over and kicked me.

"Humf, i would have thought this thing would have given me more of a... fight.. or something at least. This cannot be the wolf we are after. I must admit it is huge. I bet you could ride it." He leaned down to look me dead in the eyes, i did not blink, this was my way to challenging him yet again.

"I dont like the look in its eyes, too human for my liking. Get cap and thunder boy down here to hull it up. We need to run some tests and figure this beasty out."

A man in spandex came next, and then came a familiar face. It was Thor. My tail started wagging and i yipped with excitement. Thor flew down to me. "Why did no one tell me this is what we were hunting the entire time? I though it was some monster." Thor said as the stuck his fingers through the netting to stoke my muzzle. I knew i was safe to some extent, he would not let them hurt me.

"Thor, how do you know anything about this..this thing? It is nothing more than an experiment gone wrong. This is a code seven, Fury wants it back to the lab to figure some things out, and green boy wants to run some tests." Stark said. 

As i was watching the man argue over my fate i let my mind drift back to Loki. Alone in a cave, awaiting my return, i had to get back. I snarled and tried to stand up, then the spandex man jumped on my back, my hind leg giving in. "Wooooahh there. Guys we should do something about this, or its going to get away." he hopped off me and then an electric current was passed through the netting, why was it always the way these men fixed things was to put me under. My body refused to fight any longer. I was fading fast. 

Thor picked me up in the netting, and him and Stark hoisted me into their ship. I was now kidnapped from the kidnapper. I howled a defeated howl before i passed out. The last thing i remembered was Thors face next to mine. "Dont worry, everything will be over fast." Thor was saying into my ear. He kissed my nose and rubbed my ear before i was gone. Off to wander my dreams, dreams of Loki, and dreams of Thor. In the end it would come down to those two. My life hung in their hands. 

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