Ice Flow

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" A Year from now we'll all be gone, all our friends will move away. But they're off to better places, yes our friends will move away" - The Head and The Heart

I wiped yet another somber tear off of my face, there she was, my darling, reduced to nothing more than a feral animal, all because of me. I remembered times when she was not like this, events like this had happened in the past, but never to this caliber. The flashback came hard, and fast. When ever i get a flashback like this i pass out. I could feel myself slipping, i colapsed into the arms of the shield agent next to me.....

I was no longer was i on the prison like ship.

My memories transporting me back to a happier time.

The first time i had come across Draca, after she left me for the first time.

There she was, a stunning human right infront of me, i could have reached out and touched her hair if i had wanted to. I reached my arm out to slip her golden locks in between my boney fingers.Then i saw myself, on the other side of the beach.

"LOKI, is that you?" Draca left me in a cloud of sand, i remembered she could not see me, and that  she was just a spector in my memory, i could not interfear of comunicate with anyone. I watched her run over to a younger me, not over the age of 20 in human years. She wraped her arms around my neck, weaving her delicate fingers through my hair. I ran my own fingers through my hair, remembering the sensation. The two left my feild of vision. I remember this Draca, was open to my love, never questioning our past. She had loved me with her entire heart, unlike the current Draca. The one who questioned every single one of my intentions. Deep in my heart i knew i would love her to the ends of the eart, i would do anything for her. If removing her curse would require my death, i would fall on her knife anyday.

In a sudden flash the happy memory was replaced with one of many morbid ones... Draca was on the floor of a beachside cave. She was dying. I looked at the past me, now about 23, i was in hysterics, my hair was drenched with sweat as i leaned over her frail body.

"Draca, Draca you cant do this to me...please.....please i need you, please....with out you i will grown insane....please please dont die Draca. You cant." I slammed my hands into the rocky floor. This was the first time Draca had died infront of me. "Please...i need you...." I leaned down and kissed her, she was glowing with a aura of sweat.

"who even are you? get away from me" I remembered these words the most, as the tesseract tainted her, she lost her memories, forgetting who i was. My old self grabbed her and pushed her into his chest. Both entites were shaking. Then Draca started shifting, from wolf to human over and over again....and then it just stopped. Draca colapsed in my lap, and let out her dying breath, with it her last word. "Forever.....right?". i watched the blue fade from her eyes one last time. 

My past self brung her limp body close to his chest and cried, the tears never stopped. Dracas body eventually froze over, the curse that i had placed on her.

"Forever..... i Promise" i kissed her forehead. That was the night i vowed to protect her no matter what the cost.

i fell to the ground, as my memory fadded. it was like looking in a mirror "It does not get any that i can promise you." I wated the momory leave once and for all. I started to cry, lettting the tears roll down my face.

Thats when i felt the shelid gaurds arms around me, i was back in the arms of reality.

"Loki, sir, you colapsed"

"I am aware. Lets begin the experiment, and pull all this energy out of her once and for all" I knew it may kill her, but if there was a chance for her to have all the veil energy removed from her once and for all. it was a risk i would take.

I twisted my wedding band around my finger, i had placed it back on after my flashback. "Forever- i promise." i whispered as we entered the room that contained Draca. There were some deamons that demanded to be faced now.

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