Back then 1/2

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25th of May 1890.

The night sky was clear as the wind went through the forest, forcing the leaves to make music or rather just a noise.

It was full moon, everything strange could happen and guess what, of course a girl was out in the forest.

But... this story won't be about the werewolves or vampires. It's something different.

A young girl was wondering in the forest, she couldn't sleep so she sneaked out and the sounds of the forest somehow, called her.

The girl was around her fourth years or so, couldn't be older than that but neither seemed that young.

She was walking slowly by a small river but soon stopped with a gasp, dropping the stick from her hand.

She was facing something, it seemed to be a horse but it was somehow different.. it was a ..
-"unicorn..." she whispered.

The unicorn lifted up it's head elegantly, facing the little girl who made slow steps towards it with her eyes sparkling in curiosity.
It let out a hard sigh as for the girl to leave her alone but it didn't work so it made its way away until it heard a scream.

The girl tripped on a small rock as watched the creature with amazement and didn't look at the road, she was about to fell into the river and already closed her eyes but just to open them a few seconds later, hanging on a thorn.

She let out a playful giggle as the unicorn lifted her back up onto the ground and the girl whispered "thank you" and snuggled herself to it.

Sounds came from the shadows and the woods and the creature looked up quickly, placing its legs in front of the girl holding her under itself protectively.

A male's giggle could be heard, then a male with really dark dust around him stepped out into the moonlight, looking at the unicorn with a smirk.

-"c'mon what ya get so flustered 'bout Corny~"
(Like unicorn just corny, bad joke) the male laughed, using funny slangs

The girl hugged the the unicorn's right leg and gasped softly, the male heard it and looked there at the girl.

-"There you are sweetie, glad I could find ya!"
He smirked as leaned down to the girl and the unicorn was making some angry noises.

-"Don't make the drama, you're scaring the little creature" another male could be heard with light footsteps from the right.

This male was exactly the opposite of the other one, it was white and clear not like the other although both looked like around their 20's.

The lighter one leaned down, kneeling on the ground as looked at the girl with a friendly smile, saying an excuse for the unicorn and greetings.

-"Hello, Miss. Excuse my... friend for his behavior he just isn't used to meet such a highly respected heir." His voice was soft like bells' ringing.

-"Huh...? Sorry sir but I'm not anyone important!" The girl smiled softly.

-"Oh trust me you are, the daughter of Devil and an angel." The dark one smirked

Date: 07/08/2018
Part 0.5

The Daughter of Angel and Devil (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now