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A few days later

The days went by slowly and Willow got weaker and weaker, Augustus and Max were worried about the girl's speed which was way slower than the normal and her tiredness as well.

-"Willow, hit me!"
The demon shouted at her but not aggressively as jumped next to her on the living room's couch.

-"Huh? I don't wanna and why should I?"
The girl looked up at the boy confused of his actions and not really wanting to anyways.

-"Just do it!"

-"I don't wanna!"

-"You don't want to or you can't?"
Augustus stopped in the door as looked at the girl, crossing his arms as asked the question very seriously, it was their plan obviously.


-"Show your skin."
The angel was really serious and it scared the girl a bit as he was acting, unusual and yet she was even scared from that he may know.


-"If you don't have anything to hide, show your skin, now."

He said very seriously with no emotion in his voice and the girl gulped as her stomach started to hurt and she looked at Maxwell for help but the demon just looked away, showing that he is in it too and want her to do it.

She slowly took a hold on the end of her shirt and showed her belly, it was burnt all over by runes and curses, sent from the hell. Augustus' eyes widened and so did Max's and he gulped a big from the sight. The angel quickly grabbed the girl by her arm and made her to stand up.

-"H-Hey w-what are you doing?!"

He pulled her hair away from her neck, it was burnt as well just like her whole chest, belly, legs, arms and everything, she wasn't cold... she was hiding her scars and curses.

-"WHY didn't you tell us?! WHY do you have to HIDE things from us?! Weren't we the ones to take you out from your father's prison and the ones to ALWAYS be there?!"

-"Augustus..." Maxwell stood up as though the angel was going too far but he didn't stop.

-"NO MAXWELL. I don't get it! Do you think it's fun for us to protect you from anything all the time and pretend like it never happened?! Do you have ANY idea how much demons and any shits we've KILLED to keep YOU safe?! DO YOU THINK WE ASKED TO DO THIS?! TO BE YOUR GODDAMNED BABYSITTERS?!?!"

There were a few seconds of silence...

After Augustus shouted at the girl who ended up in tears with a gasp and pulled her arm away from the angel's gasp who was shocked as well from what he said.

-"And... d-do you think... I asked for this...?" Willow spoke very quietly and slowly to hold back her tears then just rushed out of the apartment, shutting the door loudly.


Augustus still stood there in a shock and gulped a big as Maxwell stepped next to him.

-"Don't worry, you were just too worried... I'll go and get her back safe."

Max nodded and so did Augustus and the demon left to get the girl who was out in the dark streets, alone with no help.

The Daughter of Angel and Devil (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now