Get back to your mind

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Someone cleared his throat in the background and a cold wind went through the room, filling it with fresh air and Max just found himself thrown back into the wall.
He growled and held his hand, Augustus quickly stepped to Willow

-"Are you okay?!"
-"I am fine but... Maxwell isn't.."
-"Don't worry I'll solve it."

The angel walked up to the demon and held him up by his throat before Max could move or try to escape from the grip Augustus placed his hand onto the boy's forehead and sent a white light-ball at his forehead. Maxwell collapses onto the ground and Willow got up worriedly, the angel holding her back from going to the demon who let out a growl as started to get to his mind.

-"Mmm... dude... what was that..."
-"I could ask the same, demon" Augustus said but for nothing since Willow already ran up to Maxwell to embrace him tightly.

-"I-I am sorry Willow... please forgive me.." Maxwell buried his face into the girl's neck softly before a harsh laughter could be heard and all of them looked up but before they saw anything they found themselves surrounded by darkness and the smell of death.

Max looked around and shook his head, Augustus wasn't there with them it was just Willow and the demon, and the one with the evil laughter, the boy held the girl tighter and closer to himself and she knew she had to stay quiet. They waited in the darkness to see what will happen, the minutes felt like hours or ages.

Soon footsteps could be heard and someone walked up to them with a small laughter.

-"Well well, welcome home sweetheart.~"

Willow looked up and her eyes widened slowly, still was in a protecting grip held by the demon.


-"If you would allow, Maxwell. Thank you"

He waited as Max slowly let the grip loosen around the girl and the demon let out a sigh, knowing it won't end well. They both stood up and the girl faced her father for the first time, so did the father looking at the girl like a creature he made, proudly.

-"You grew up beautifully, darling.~ I see you got your mother's eyes and ... your smirking mouth is fine. Let's see you got your mother's perfect body and... "

Lucifer stepped closer to Willow and lifted up her hands into the air to take a closer look with a smirk as her hands started to make fire from themselves and the girl's eyes widened.

-"....And I see you got my destroying hands~ very very useful. What about showing what other things you've chosen from the guardians?"

Willow looked at Max who just nodded because couldn't say no, Lucifer would force it out anyways. So the girl slowly closed her eyes and let her bright large wings out with her black small thorns on her forehead then looked up at him with red eyes, her hands still on fire. Lucifer's eyes widened as he stepped back and laughed like crazy.

-"Just... perfect!"

-to be continued-

Date: 01/09/18

The Daughter of Angel and Devil (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now