T w e n t y - T h r e e

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<< It was the wonder in her eyes, the smile on her lips and the beauty of her face that led me to believe something which I probably should have not >>

Twenty Three | Friendly Leaves versus Hostile Leaves.

H a r i s: 

"Good morning, sunshine," Someone giggled in my ear and I moaned loudly before changing sides. 

"Should we dump water on him?" A male voice asked seriously. "He's gonna miss class. And Mr. Grease doesn't like to spare people." 

"Are you mad?" Another female voice chirped. "We hardly even know him! Let's just make more noise. I am sure he'll wake up." 

"I don't think I want him to wake up," A flirty voice piped in. "He looks beautiful while he's asleep." 

The male voice snickered, "Never call a man beautiful. Specially when you've adopted a crush at first sight." 

I opened my eyes to come face to face with my pillow. Groaning loudly, I shifted, wondering for a few seconds where I was. But then I saw the people from yesterday and remembered that I was in HAU. 

Somehow, the realization didn't make me happy. I didn't want to dorm with these people because I was pretty sure the smell had killed my nose overnight. 

"He wakes!" One of the two guys hollered and grabbed me by the arm, almost making me fall off in the process. "Come on, man! You need to hurry up! We'll be late for class!" 

"Fine," I grumbled. "And don't lay your freaking hands on me or I'll kill you." 

"We are doing you a favour dude," The other guy shrugged and held out his hand. "I am Damien by the way. And this overzealous person here is Fred." 

"I am Haris," I sighed. 

"Why do you look so sad to be Haris?" One of the girls asked. 

"It does suck to be Haris," I responded, looking straight in her eye. "Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to get ready. My mouth smells like the dust bin." 

"Ew, too much info, man," Fred wrinkled his nose. "We are waiting right over here." 

As I trudged to the bathroom, I realized that my judgements had been based on only one night. Damien and Fred actually didn't seem that bad. On the contrary, they looked rather friendly. 

Who knew? I'd stumbled upon some friendly leaves in the morning. This had to be a good sign, right? One thing goes right, every thing does. 

One thing goes wrong...behold! A train of worries is crashing in to you. 

It was just the way life worked. It was as if the bad things and good things were bottled behind, pent-up and when we went ahead of them, they decided to catch up with full force. Enough to send us flying ahead or sometimes even, backward. 

As I brushed my teeth, I could hear everyone laughing on the other side of the door. I wondered how they weren't hungover after a full night of drinking. They must have had a high alchohol tolerance. 

Damien pounded on my door, "Get out, you little shit! We'll all be late." 

"Good," I shouted back. "Then I wouldn't be alone in my punishment." 

"Selfish bastard," Fred said loudly and I couldn't help but smile. It seemed like old times when Omar, Jake and Gary came over to have a game/movie marathon and then sleepover. 

I got out finally and the the second girl giggled, "You look better when you've cleaned up." 

Damien rolled his eyes, "Ignore my foster sister. She's a flirt." 

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