T h i r t e e n.

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Important note at end!

<< The door I always wished to open has been unlocked >> 

Thirteen | Hope

H a r i s: 

Every sound that emitted from the crowd seemed like faint, back ground music. Every ray of light that fell on to the stage went unnoticed. Every movement from the people standing beside me camoflagued against my own. 

The only music that I heard was the frantic beating of my heart and I knew it was the worst kind. I didn't want to lose this. 

This was my opportunity to have a second chance at life. I wanted to get another try at kicking the ball in the goal even though time was way ahead of me. I had to have it. 

Adrenaline rushed in my veins and beads of sweat started to form on my head. My own heart beat was scaring me and the pressure was so intense that I wished I wasn't here. I wished I had a canvas with me. 

"Good morning and welcome to the award ceremony of the Annual Art Competition of Hallelow!" A blonde woman exclaimed in to the mike with a huge smile on her face. There was a speaker right beside me but I could hardly hear her. 

"Just a quick, friendly reminder of the prizes for the winners. First prize means a scholarship to Hallelow Art University, a.k.a HAU. Let me tell you that the most famous artists have generated from there. This winner might be a new artist in our wake." 

My breathing hitched. What if the winner wasn't me? I could lose my chance to the university. I didn't want that. I wanted to go.

"First prize also means endless art supplies from the Arts Department of Hallelow. We are eager to ensure that the winner gets a full, blown-out chance at being one of the most famous artists in the world." 

Cheers erupted from the crowd and I briefly met my family's eyes. Aunty Tahira sent me an encouraging look and I shot her a small smile, even though I wanted to cry from depression. 

"Runner up gets a $50,000 cheque from the central bank. The remaining participants are given the chance to meet Anne Richards, one of the most famous artists who judged their work. They can ask about their flaws etc." 

The guy standing next to me nudged me gently. I looked down at him questioningly. 

"Do you think you can win?" He asked. 

I shook my head, "I don't think I am good enough to meet Anne Richards standards." 

The guy nodded in relief. "Me too." 

The blonde woman kept on going about some other rules and regulations. I tuned her out as I shifter nervously from right foot to left; a habit that I had gained from Mother. 

"And the winner is...." The blonde woman started and the whole crowd quieted down, a moment of silence before the realization. It looked as if someone had just told them that a tornado was coming their way and they had all gone completely quiet as they took the time to digest the news. 

"Haris Bin Hashim!" She cried in to the mike and I froze. My feet were glued to the ground and I blinked, wondering if I had heard correctly. It would be quiet embarrassing if I went to the stage even if my name wasn't called. It would show my desperation and I wasn't one to beg, after the years of begging in my childhood. 

"Haris Bin Hashim!" She repeated, looking a little annoyed. I saw her tuck back her hair to reveal her make-up covered face. She looked like a plastic barbie doll. 

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