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It was the year 2019 and the people around the world were living peacefully. Crime rates and terrorism had been almost extinguished. The people of different nations lived worry free for most of the year. At least until that one horrifying day.
A virus was created and released into the public by United States President, Don Elias, a selfish man who had a lust for power. The virus spread quickly and infected half of the world's population within hours. His intention was to create a parasite that would allow him to control the victims but instead it transformed them into mindless, blood thirsty hunters. Chaos and fear took over the nations in the blink of an eye and those who were unaffected were either killed or in hiding.
A few weeks later, a resistance was formed to protect their home. They attempted to clear out the plague and rescue as many survivors as they possibly could. The leader of the resistance, Vincent, was brave and Fearless in all his battles. He fought each one like it was his last along side his second in command, Akia, and good friend John. Just one month after the resistance was formed, Vincent and his team, went on a quick supply run to gather the resources they needed desperately.
The mission was going well until the team became surrounded by Savages. They were overrun and outnumbered. The team kept fighting but the Savages kept coming. They then aborted their mission and flees back to their hideout. Vincent tried to take out a few of them, but got himself cornered and his gun suddenly jammed.
Akia and John fought through the horde to rescue him but they were too late. Vincent's body was butchered and torn apart by the Savages. He spoke with the last of his breath and told his friends to keep fighting and look out for each other.
After mourning the lost of a great leader, Akia took command and lead the resistance with John beside her. They cleared out a few towns near their hideout and expanded their base. The hideout's defense was upgraded and the place was more secured each week. However, it wasn't safe enough.
Akia wanted the resistance to grow. She wanted to find more people to help protect the helpless. A few extra hands to help regain what was lost. John was onboard with the idea and Volunteered go with her.
They set off the next day in a jeep, which was loaded with the supplies required for their journey. They traveled further than they normally would, hoping to find some allies and possibly a better place to stay.

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