New Monsters

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President Don Elias had Washington DC completely under his control and felt like he was one step closer to restoring his reign on this world. Suddenly his good friend Professor Jordan alerted him of some activity happening as they speak. The Professor proposed a solution to Don Elias.  "I've been doing some work after our success of controlling the Beasts. " He said to Elias, "And I believe that a field test is in order." He finished. "As you wish my old friend." Don said with a smile on his face,  "Impress me." He continued with a smile.
Meanwhile, Victor and the others finally had the city secured and evacuated the remaining civilians. They were ready to return to the facility when Suddenly, a small plane flew over the city Rapidly and dropped a box in the City. Two terrifying beasts  broke out of it and ran towards them. The Berserker had thick bullet resistant skin and enhanced strength. The Springtrap was quicker than a normal Savage and was able to move underground and pop out at any possible moment.
Rick and his team tried to take down the Berserker using a few bomber tactics,  but none were very effective. Jones and Sarah tried to take down the Springtrap, but couldn't get a single hit on it. The Springtrap dug under the city street then quickly sprung out, sending them flying. The battle was almost completely one sided and the team couldn't even lay a finger on either of the Professor's creations.
All hope wasn't lost yet however,  Victor grabbed and held onto the Springtrap before it could get underground then Akia and John suddenly arrived to assist. John got out of the Jeep with a grenade launcher, and opened fire on the Berserker with no fear in his eyes. Akia Stabbed and Slashed the Springtrap as Victor held it in position. John tackles the Berserker then attempts to stab it, but his knife breaks on contact with its skin.
The Berserker throws John into a car then furiously Charges towards Akia and Victor. They both evade then quickly try to counter attack. The Berserker lifts the car it sent John Into and uses it to crush them.  Akia dodges then attacks its knees, then Victor quickly aims for the torso and Rick flies in and fires a grenade at it's head.
Whilst the beast was off balanced, Jewels quickly climbs onto its back, places an explosive on its neck then detonates it. The Berserker's head is blown off and get shattered when it hits the ground. Akia helps John up and the team regroups and waits for the plane to return. Victor thanks Akia for the help and tells her that he believes that someone made the creatures that they thought.
On the trip back to the Facility Akia spoke to Victor whilst everyone rested. "I thought about what you said earlier,  and you're right. " Akia said to him,  "the more people we save the better it might be for us. " She continued. "I might have stepped out of line, " He said to Akia, "I shouldn't tell you how to lead your team, I'm sorry. " He finished.
"We both have our own way of leading our teams," She stated, " But we're in this together now."

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