Bunker Down

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United States President, Don Elias, was safely secured in his hidden bunker, with the remaining members of his security team. He realized that the outbreak kept getting worse each day, but his loyal friend and Scientist said that it was worse than he believed. Professor Jordan explained that the Savages were becoming more aggressive as time passed. They were evolving, becoming more intelligent as well as Faster and Stronger.
The professor also believed that their senses were improving as well, mainly their hearing and also their sense of smell. Don Elias was very intrigued by this data and saw it as a way to restore order. He and Professor Jordan spent two days creating an arsenal of Nanotechnology to JumpStart their plan. They then Captured a few Savages, and after many hours of experimenting, they were successful.
The professor was able to control the Savages by sending signals to its brain using the Nanotechnology. The Savages followed every command without hesitation or resistance, it was a puppet. Don Elias ordered his security team to capture more Savages before Sunset. After many tough hours of gathering, three hundred and twelve Savages were under his control and used them to clear out the city of the Savages that were unresponsive to the Technology. He began to reclaim his world as he imagined it.
Meanwhile, Akia and John returned to their hide out with Jaxon and Shiori, Who was found trapped under some debris by John. Shiori explained that Wright ran whilst they were defending the campsite, She felt responsible for her disappearance and promised to help him find Wright. Jaxon thanked Shiori for trying to protect her. John told Jaxon that there's still hope and that she will be found.
They also arrived with another survivor named Jewels and she was a very strategic fighter, who rarely relied on guns. She didn't speak to anyone at the hideout so they didn't know much about her, or who was with her before she was found. Even though she didn't speak often, she was very helpful when Akia asked for assistance. She was very resourceful and crafted her own weapons like small explosives and melee weapons.
Akia felt like their current hideout was getting crowded and that they needed to move. John willingly volunteers to scout out a few areas with some of the resistance soldiers. Jaxon proposed that the soldiers should stay in case of an attack and volunteers to help John. Shiori volunteers as well and they all set off after arming themselves.

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