Moving Day

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Victor and his team we're running low on food and were scouting a nearby area, not too far from their hideout. Jones and Victor cleared the area of Savages whilst Sarah got a better view of the landscape. She used the scope on her Military grade Sniper rifle to see further from her current altitude. It was not long until she found something interesting.
Sarah found a military base that wasn't too far from their current location.  However, the facility had Savages swarming all over the complex and no surviving soldiers could have been seen. Sarah told Victor that there were too many Savages for just three people to fight. Victor decided to return to the hideout until they come up with a plan of attack.
Meanwhile,  Jaxon, John and Shiori were running low on ammunition after being attacked in the city and were in desperate need of some. They arrived at a house with an electrified fence Surrounding it and were suddenly attacked by Savages while they were distracted.
John was able to take down a few of them but Jaxon was pinned and inches away from losing his head. Victor rushes into the fight and pulls the Savage off Jaxon. He quickly takes down the beast then assists the others with his team before they were over run. Victor invited John and his team inside then John explained that they have looking for a bigger place to stay. Victor told John that they found a place earlier, and explained that they'll need more people to get it. After making a quick call, Akia arrived a few hours later with Jewels and the resistance soldiers.

They all entered the facility, ready for combat and prepared for surprises. Akia and Victor lead their teams and effectively took down Multiple Savages. Jewels was quick on her feet,  cutting through the horde with her knives whilst keeping the Savages away from her allies with her explosives. John and Jones successfully cleared out the East side of the facility whilst Jewels and Victor cleared the North side.

Akia, Jaxon and Sarah searched the interiors for anymore Savages whilst their comrades secured the area.  Eventually they arrived at the command center then reactivated the computers and other systems. The base was thoroughly searched to ensure that all Savages we're killed. However there was one door that was tough to open, and it lead to the armoury.

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