Behind enemy lines

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Akia, Jaxon, John and Rick arrived in Washington DC a few hours after their hideout was attacked by Savages. Their aircraft landed a while away from the White House to avoid drawing any attention to themselves.  The White House was being guarded by Secret Service soldiers within the area and the perimeter was protected by the City's SWAT Team. Akia and her team found a way pass the SWAT team and onto the lawn of the Presidential home. They quickly entered the building then began to search for any data that would be helpful. Akia and Jaxon found a room with computers and filing cabinets then began to search everything. No data was found and they were confronted by the President who was armed with a shotgun. The SWAT and Secret Service teams surrounded them and Don Elias Decided to put an end to their curiousity to an end.
John and Rick were prepared to rescue their allies, but after hearing the President's confession,  the SWAT team had second thoughts. The stood in front of Akia and Jaxon the raised their shields and guns. The Secret Service troops defended the President and Charged through the SWAT team.
Don Elias flees the scene then attempts to get to his helicopter on the roof. John chased down the President and Rick got his thruster then flew up to the roof. Don arrived on the roof but was corned by John and Rick.
He quickly unlocks a cage behind him and a group of winged Savages flew out and attacked John and Rick. The flying Savages were quick enough to keep up with Rick on his Thruster. "My blood birds will rip you apart!" Don Shouted at them, "You were foolish to come here!". Akia and Jaxon arrived outside with the SWAT team and were attacked by the Blood birds. John jumped off the roof and onto a Winged Savage,  he stabs it's wing and it crashes to the ground with him on top of it. John rushes towards Akia,  pulls of the Savage, then snaps it's neck with a powerful punch.
Rick blasted the pests out of the sky with his grenade launchers then flew back up to the roof. Don Elias was already gone by the time he got there.  During the battle,  Jaxon spotted a woman being attacked by Blood birds near the main gates. He rushed towards her then quickly takes down the Blood birds with his knife and pistol.
He helped her up and he recognized her face and she recognized his. The both froze in disbelief and looked into each other's eyes. Akia and the other ran towards the plane and Jaxon followed them on board with the Woman. The plane took off and Jaxon held her in his arms. " I can't believe that I found you." He whispered to her.

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