Tide of War pt 1

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The resistance troops were done setting up their equipment and lined up into groups for the fight. Akia stood on the front lines with Jewels, John and Victor. The enemy approached quickly, there was no persuading to be done at this point. "Shield wall, up! " Victor yelled, and the SWAT Team moved forward then crouched behind their riot shields. "Gunners ready!" Akia shouted, and several soldiers lined up behind the SWAT team and prepared to open fire on the enemy.
Don Elias sent every Savage he had locked up to this battle and watched his army Charge towards the rebels from the hilltop. To resistance stood their ground and showed no fear as the enemy got closer towards them. The savages ran straight into the traps that Shiori set up earlier and the explosions took out a lot of them. The Spring training Savages dug underneath the traps and then popped out in front of the Shield wall.
The SpringTraps were quickly gunned down and Victor gave the order to attack. The soldiers rushed towards the enemy and didn't hold back once they engaged in combat. Sarah stood at the back of time group and shot down the Savages with her Sniper rifle. John gunned down many Savages with quick and Ruthless attacks. Jaxon and Wright stayed together during the battle, and assisted each other with takedowns and kills.
The bikers rode through the battlefield, running down the Savages and dropping explosives at their feet. Jewels sliced through the horde with her knives and used her flexibility and speed to perform some unique takedowns. Victor bashed his rifle against the skills of the Savages until it broke. He then used the the modified gloves Jewels gave him and they weakened the skin of the Savages with each powerful strike. Akia takes down two Berserkers with her quickness and and twosemi-auto SMGs, and is suddenly carried off the ground by a Blood bird.
She fires two bullets into it's skull and falls towards the ground and is suddenly caught by John. The battle continues for a while and Don Elias slowly became impatient. He wanted the battle to be over immediately. Don called for assistance from his allies.
Meanwhile, Sarah moved further up the battlefield then climbed into a tree and lined up a shot on Don Elias. She pulls the trigger and her bullet is suddenly pushed off it's course. She then gets shot out of the tree, by another Sniper,and lands on her head. Jones noticed what happened and checked on her promptly.
Rick flew over the War zone with his team on their thrusters to shoot down the Blood birds. Suddenly, one of his teammates gets shot out of the sky by the same Sniper that took down Sarah. The Sniper also took down two of the bikers and a few more Soldiers. Don Elias gained the upper hand, and his reinforcements were yet to arrive.

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