Dawn of War

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Akia returned to the Military Facility with Jaxon, John, Rick and a few new allies. The leader of the SWAT team who helped them escape, apologized for the misunderstanding and said that they will follow Akia's  command. Jaxon walked out of the plane holding the hand of his lost lover, Wright. After being separated for over three years, Jaxon barely recognized her, she changed so much.
Her hair was cut to a shorter length, She grew taller, She lost weight and got slightly muscular, and had a few scars on her body. Shiori was happy to see them together again after so long. "Thank you for looking after him." Wright said to Shiori, "It was the least I could do for you, I'm glad you're back." Shiori replied. John and the pilot checked the plane for any damage that they could've taken whilst they were leaving Washington DC.
John found a tracker on the haul of the plane and promptly alerted Akia. The tracking tag was difficult to remove and they didn't have much time to deal with it. "I'm the General and you're the Tactician." Akia said to Victor, "So come up with something good." She continued. Victor looked around and knew that they couldn't fight at the base.
"We need to relocate," Victor said to her, "We take the battle somewhere open, to create separation from the enemy and we won't get in each others way, or have to hold back.". Akia gave the order to the troops and everyone quickly geared up and were prepared to leave for the battle.  The plane which was tagged left the outpost first with Shiori and a few soldiers from the resistance. The SWAT team left shortly afterwards with Jaxon and John.
Wright told Akia that she is willing to fight and that she could help the team in battle. Akia gave her one of Shior's uniforms and some weapons then boarded the plane with her, Jewels and Victor. Rick boarded the last plane with Jones, Sarah and the rest of his bomber squad. The remaining soldiers made their way to the designated area using weaponized trucks and bikes.
Meanwhile,  Professor Jordan met with Don Elias and told him that he was tracking the rebels. He showed Don Elias the device that he used to see their location. The tagged stopped moving and Don  believes that they arrived at their base. "Call the Secret Service troop. We're going to end this." Don stated firmly.
Meanwhile, The soldiers and Shiori began to set up traps and turrets in case the enemy got to close. Jaxon and Wright had a brief moment to talk whilst everyone prepared themselves for the attack. Jaxon tried to persuade Wright to stay out of the fight, but she wouldn't leave.
"We got separated once, That won't happen again." She said whilst holding his hand, "If you fight for me, I'll fight for you." She said hugging him.
Jewels walked towards Victor and spoke to him about his plan. "Your brought everyone here, She said to him,  " If we lose that's it, game over." She continued.  "If losing means that I died fighting for the Freedom that they stole from us," Victor replied, "Then I'd say that death would be worth it."

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