Tide of War pt 2

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Akia looks around and sees her allies falling to the ground one by one.  She regrouped with John and Shiori then makes her way towards the hill Don Elias Stood upon.  Shiori informed her comrades that there were Secret Service soldiers guarding Don Elias from the base of the hill.  Akia ordered the remaining bikers to stand by near the hill until they cleared the way for them.
Suddenly,  Don's reinforcements arrived in an attack helicopter and started firing missiles at the ground.  The missiles took out most of the Savages and a few of Asia's troops. The ground troops attempted to evade and get out of range of the explosions. A Barrage of missiles hit the ground and takes out Shiori and several troops.  Jaxon and Wright rush towards her as she hits the ground and lands on her neck.
Rick flies towards the the helicopter with his thruster then fires a grenade into the cockpit which blows it in half. Akia clears the hill with Jewels, John and Victor. Victor disarms three soldiers then quickly passes their weapons to John before taking them out. John pulls the pin off a grenade from the belt of a soldier,  kicks him down the hill,  then rushes towards another soldier and kills him with his pistol.
"The path is clear!" Akia shouted, "Bikers move forward!". " The Skies are clear, that was the last Blood bird!" Rick stated,  "moving in for ground assistance.".
The remaining bikers rode up the hill rapidly and surprised the soldiers at the top. The Sniper who protected Don Elias was about to fire at the bikers,  but was suddenly taken down by Wright. Victor ran up the hill quickly with Akia, Jewels and John to assist Wright. Jaxon, Jones and the other fighters were able to clear the field of Savages.
They Clear the Hilltop and a large Savage emerges from the ground and was a combination of the Berserkers,  Blood birds and Springtraps. The beast attacked furiously and moved swiftly under the ground. Rick flew in and opened fire at the at the beast but barely did any damage to it. Jewels and John get tossed around the area and Victor quickly came up with a plan.
He distracted the monster with Akia and Wright until reinforcements arrived to assist.  Wright climbed onto its back and stabbed its wings to keep it on the ground. Two of the resistance planes flew towards the hill and and fired their guns at the creature and a lot of damage was done.  Akia and Victor strapped explosives onto the legs of the giant Savage,  then detonated them to immobilize it. The planes fired their missiles and the Beast fell apart.
There was a sudden silence as the smoke cleared and the soldiers began to cheer. Don Elias was injured and surrounded by Akia, Jewels,  John,  Rick, Victor and Wright. He had no where to go and no one to protect him. The war was finally over, but there was still much to be done.

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