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Author's POV

Everyone exchanged awkward glances. They all forgot that he sat with them. Kyle was the first to speak up. "Yeah man, come on. A little break up isn't going to separate this group, right guys?" Kyle tried to encourage. He looked at everyone, his eyes mainly focusing on Zoey.

Zoey cleared her throat, looking up and frantically blinking his eyes, "Sure, sure. I mean, it's not like other girls wouldn't want the most popular guy in school to sit with them too."

Emma nudged Zoey in her side, signaling to Zoey that she was being too harsh. Kyle stared at her dead in the eyes, you could tell he was giving her a warning.

"What the hell, no? I don't give a single shit if he's our friend. I spent all day yesterday crying my eyes out because this guy decided to be an ass to me?" Zoey began to rant on, everyone at the table stayed quiet.

"It's not my fault!" Caleb yelled back, catching the attention of the majority of the lunch room. The entire room fell silent.

David kept his head straight, he was staring directly at Zoey. He narrowed his eyes to Caleb, he managed to speak in his lowest voice yet, "Shut up."

"Excuse me?" Caleb turned to David, confused on his best friend's attitude.

"What? You're causing a scene for no reason! Just shut up and go away or something man," David replied, this time glancing at Caleb as he spoke.

Caleb quickly licks his lips, glaring at David in the eye. "I know what this is. You have feelings for her, don't you?"

"Who the hell said I have feelings for her? We're just friends!" David was standing now, towering over Caleb as he walked up to him.

And that's when he came. That's when he saved everyone from a fight they weren't prepared to watch.

He pushed the two boys apart, "Alright boys. Calm down. Everyone would love to see a gay and a hetero fighting, but now's not the time for that."

From the nasty glare the boy earned from the two, you could've sworn they were arch enemies for years.

"What did you just call me?" Caleb asks, the fury in his eyes becoming more evident.

"I called you gay, now sit your ass down, both of you! You're both so childish, fighting over a girl that hasn't even got feelings for either of you," Landon scolded the two as if he were their mother.

Every single student in the cafeteria was watching. Everyone stared at Landon, scolding the two boys. No one understood the situation any more than they did.

David sat back down angrily and Caleb next to him, both remained silent. Your table was surprised that the two listened to someone they weren't even close with. It was new for them. Especially with their stubborn attitude.

Ashley looked up at Landon, mumbling a simple thank you as he held up a hand and shook his hand, gesturing that it was no problem.

No one knew why he did it or what his intentions were, but he stopped the drama from becoming worse.


Zoey's POV

I stood next to Ashley's locker. Waiting for her to finish applying her makeup so we could head to the mall. That's when he approached us.

"Hey, I know that they're your friends and that you can handle them but things were getting out of hand and I didn't want that situation to become worse than it already was, alright?"

"Yeah, it's absolutely fine!" Ashley beamed as she slammed her locker shut.

"If you guys don't mind, maybe we could hang out sometime? What're you doing right now?"

"Actually we were going to the mall-" I was about to finish my sentence when Ashley nudged me and dramatically coughed after giving me a death stare.

"We're free right now. How about Starbucks?" Ashley asked, being the more outgoing one.

"Great! Meet me in the parking lot in 10," Landon smiled as he walked away. You could tell he genuinely wanted to be friends.

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