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I didn't know where Landon was taking me. He was just driving. A calming instrumental played in the background as we drove. Thoughts were taking over my head. What did I just see? I didn't want to believe it. Was my Ashley going out with him? Behind my back? Why didn't she tell me? I felt offended. My thoughts were cut off from Landon's sudden nudge.

"We're here Zoe," Landon calmly said. I knew he was being strong for me although he barely understood the situation. I could see the panic behind his mask.

I looked out the windshield, we were at a park. A local park too. I remembered this park from my childhood. I could see the empty field in front of us. No one came here anymore, all the children had grown up.

"We're in our swimwear, we can't go out there," I softly mumbled after noticing our attire.

"I know, that's why I bought spare clothes. Wait here and you'll change in the restroom," He reassured as he went out the car to get the change of clothes from the trunk.


Landon and I sat on the furthest park bench to distance ourselves from the noisy street. He wrapped his hand around me and allowed me to get lost in thought as he played with my hair. I didn't mind him playing with it. After some time, I came back to reality.

"Landon?" I lowly muttered.

"Yes, Zoey?"

"Why were you so mean to me when we first met? And when I was with Caleb too?" I asked, the memories all coming back to me.

He stopped playing with my hair now. His both hands were wrapped around me now. He loved back hugging me and I loved receiving them.

"That's pretty simple actually," He began, "It's because I liked you."

My eyes widened, I was shocked. I blinked a few times before actually responding.

"What did you say?" I asked, not being able to process his answer.

"I liked you, Zoey," Landon started again, now going onto explaining, "When we first bumped into each other, I thought of you a lot after that. I couldn't stop. I wanted to say hi to you or at least introduce myself but, I never saw you again."

I couldn't believe my ears.

"Then you bumped into me again. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of you. I didn't know how to react, so self consciously, I came off as mean," He paused for a bit, he seemed to be gathering his thoughts, "Then I saw you at the movies. I wasn't following you, I swear. I just happened to be there with my little sister. She went to the bathroom so I decided to approach and appear as the usual rude guy. I didn't like the idea of you and Caleb so I said the first thing that came to mind."

We both sat in silence as he explained. I didn't believe any of it until he continued.

"I was there in the grocery when he insulted your mother, but I obviously hadn't known it was her until I saw both of them drop you off to school one day. I didn't want to bring it up, so I merely brought up the topic. I'm sorry if I'm the reason you and Caleb broke up, you can hate me all you want, but please forgive me. I'm just a sucker that fell for you."

And his last line killed me. I didn't know how long I zoned out for but when I came back, the sky was dark. Stars were just making their appearance. I still couldn't get that line out of my head.

"Well, technically, I fell for you. Twice," I said, laughing softly at my horrible attempt at humor.

Landon chuckled lowly, I felt his breath trickle against the back of my neck. It sent chills up my spine. Suddenly I felt my cheeks getting hotter and hotter. What was happening to me?

I leaned more into him and closed my eyes, 'Was it happening again?' I thought.

After a moment of thinking, you decided to speak up.

"I came here about 2 years ago, I moved from Canada. Zoey was my first friend. That's when I met Caleb and all of my other friends. They were more on the quiet side yet quite famous. I fit in fine with them so I didn't mind it. Zoey promised to never betray me. But recently, she's been acting up. I didn't really notice until earlier today when I saw her and Caleb together," I finished explaining. I didn't want to continue. A single tear streamed down my face as I bit my lip, trying to stop the tears.

"It's okay. Keep crying. Just let it all out. It's only me, you don't have to worry," Landon reassured as he hugged me tighter.

"What am I going to do?" I said in between sobs.

"We'll confront them after school. Ask them to meet you at the back of the school around 5 and I'll come after they show up," Landon calmly explained through the storm.

"I don't get it. Why would they do that to me?"

"I don't know, but we'll find out soon."

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