Prologue #1: The Beginning

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17 years ago

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17 years ago...

"She's beautiful ma'am." The nurse comments on the healthy new born, snuggled into her mother's chest.

"Yes she is... inside and out. She has been moulded that way." The mother whispers as she gazes lovingly at the tiny bundle. "I request alone time with my child." She announces with such great authority laced into her voice, that no creature could dare disobey such a command.

Usually the nurses would refuse, perhaps even laugh at the ridiculous suggestion, with the baby only being a minute old, but the mother is no normal being. She is Artemis, Goddess of the Moon. Manipulating a human's mind is as easy as slicing a sharp knife through hot butter for her. In moments, the nurses and the baby's father have vacated the room, allowing her to be at peace with the bundle of joy cocooned in her arms. With dread, Artemis tries not to ponder on the fact that she soon has to leave.

Three years.

Three years is what her father gave her. Three years to experience human life to the full. Three years to find herself. She spent three years falling in love.  She spent three years actually living, becoming something other than Artemis, Goddess of Wild Animals, the Hunt, Women and the Moon.

Now the timer has run out. She is to return to Mount Olympus and give up her fleshly body, to resume her heavenly duties.

She will leave behind the man she has grown to love; the man who fathered her baby; the man who will always be written in her heart. And she will unwillingly leave the child which she carried and birthed. As goddess of women, she often looked over those enduring childbirth, but now she has experienced the pain, exhaustion and joy of it, she understands why it is so special, so magical. Looking down at the baby, she knows that she will never forget her. She will always be there for the child in the background, silently watching and protecting her from above. Her child will grow to be beautiful and strong, and will become the ultimate Luna to her precious Werewolves and Lycans. They will worship her as Queen, second only to her mother.

"Luna Phoebe Selena Aisha Johnson-Aiginaia. Luna of Luna's is what you shall become my darling. I regretfully have to leave this world soon my dear and you along with it... Nevertheless, never think that I do not love you. You are the most perfect creature I have ever had the privilege to lay my eyes upon. You are so exquisite, and special." The mother whispers to her child, eyes misty with emotion.

The baby was indeed beautiful. With perfect soft pale skin, unblemished from the sun, big Nordic-blue eyes, holding oceans of emotion, and tufts of silky white blonde hair crowning her head proved her delicateness. She had the kind of beauty that only promised to be more pleasing as she grew; after all, a caterpillar is beautiful in its own way, but the butterfly is simply breathtakingly marvellous. Artemis then unclipped a necklace branded and washed with the magic of the moon from her neck, and securely adjusted it around the baby's, enchanting it in the process to only be seen and removed by Phoebe and her father. The necklace links Phoebe to her mother forever, enabling her to call on her  if she ever needs her desperately.

With one last kiss to the baby's forehead, Artemis allowed the nurses and the baby's father to return into the room, as she was as ready as she ever could be to ascend back to her rightful place in Mount Olympus.

"Selena my darling, isn't she beautiful? She looks like a little Angel." Ricky, her (Selena is Artemis' human name) one true love, exclaimed excitedly and then kissed her softly on the lips.

"She is. Phoebe Selena Aisha Johnson. It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" She hums back in response.

"Definitely. Thank you so much my love, you will be the perfect mother to my children and our baby. Three girls eh? I can just imagine you in a magnificent white dress, with our girls in..."

"Shh my love." Artemis shushed, her heart cracking even more in response to her possible future. If things were different, she would stay on this earth forever.

"Ricky. I love you so much, look after our daughter." Tears started running rivers down her cheeks, as she was unable to compose herself whilst undertaking the task at hand.

"Selena? What do you mean my love? Are you... Selena!" Ricky yelped out in panic, as she went limp in his arms, the line humming flat and Phoebe wailing hysterically.

Ricky stands in shock, as time clouds over and he is left with his crying new-born in his arms, as the nurses fail to resurrect his one true love. With blurry eyes, he vows to never love another woman, apart from his three girls. With two dead loves, he will never open his heart romantically again.


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