Chapter 21 - A Workout, a Party, a Kiss

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"I'll go easy on you." Alex smirks infuriatingly.

"That won't be necessary." I huff. "I'm not some delicate china doll; I am a strong independent woman." I sass him.

"I'm sure you are, but I have repressed my Lycan so I won't hurt you too badly. Go ahead then, make the first move." He taunts me.

First Alex made me run for twenty minutes uphill at the maximum level on the running machine, which I did so without complaining. He didn't say anything, but he looked impressed, which was a big enough award for me. Then he made me lift some weights, do some squats (he was blatantly checking me out during this), and now is tempting me to attack him. Raising my eyebrows, I charge at him, fists ready to pound. Unfortunately, he is a LOT faster then me, and halts me with a jolt just using one hand.

"First lesson of self defence; untuck your thumb when throwing a punch unless you want to break it. Tilt your wrist slightly down, so that your knuckles are above your fingers, this will give you more power in the punch." He reprimands, but I do as he says.

Repeating the action, I throw a left hook at him, clipping him on the chin slightly. I cheer and jump up and down in excitement whilst he looks at me weirdly.

"Better. Remember, if you come under attack aim for the soft spots of the body. This means the eyes, nose, ears, jaw, throat, groin, knees, and Achilles tendons—all are parts of the body you can't strengthen, no matter how much you work out."

With this in mind, I lean back slightly and aim for Alex's groin with my shin, as quickly and mightily as I can manage, then as he stumbles forward groaning in pain, I land a square punch to his jaw, knocking him to the ground. Shaking my hand out, which is ringing with pain, I hold back a snigger at Alex cupping his balls moaning on the ground.

"Are you gonna be ok?" I ask in a baby voice whilst he glares distastefully up at me.

All of a sudden, he shoots up from the floor as I start to turn my back from him, wrapping his arms around my torso, chaining my own to my sides.

"Second rule of self defence; never turn your back from your opponent unless you're running away." He whispers into my ear.

Furious that he has managed to best me, and determined not to give up, I sink to my knees in a wide squat so that it is harder for him to pick me up, and use my elbow to deliver a discordant blow his groin, making him oof in surprise and let go of me slightly. Using this opportunity to escape his gruelling hold, I fly my other elbow up and violently punch his stomach, causing him to stumble backwards. Determined to get him down once and for all, I then jump and thrust my body into him, elbow first, and use the momentum of my run to knock him down with my forearms. Before he hits the mat, he grapples onto my hips in an ironclad grip, forcing my body down with his, twisting so that he is on top of me. I crash onto the mat with great momentum, knocking the air out of my lungs with great force. Wheezing heavily, trying to catch my breath, and feeling a harsh throbbing in my lower back, I push up at Alex, trying to get him off me.

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