Chapter 32 - The Last Day

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"At last! Last exam finished!" Minnie cheers.

I softly smile with Minnie, as we exit from the stressful hall. I am happy that all my exams are finished, of course, but also there is an underlying current of sadness flowing through me. I'm leaving tomorrow. The ghosts of memories past haunt me wherever I am, and I can only hope that they won't follow me home. I think the memory of Alex will always plague me though... he's my first love, the one that got away.

My dad is surprised that I am coming home as I have done nothing but rave about the place the whole time I have been here. I think he can tell something is wrong though, through his fatherly instincts or whatever. I haven't heard from any of the Lycans, and none of them are going to school, so I have no idea what is going on with them. Alex has probably whisked his perfect mate off on a honeymoon somewhere, and the others are probably happily getting on with their lives, no thoughts about me. Why would they? I'm not one of them. Apparently the rogue situation has gone quiet as well, according to Spencer. Jed has recovered well and is just resting at home at the moment, and although the whole pack is high on guard, and different trackers are sent out everyday, they can never find anything. It's as if the rogues simply vanished. However, it's not my problem any more. Once I leave tomorrow, I won't be any part of this pack and an outsider once more. I guess that is what hurts the most... I finally found real, true friends and people who accept me for what I am... and now I have to give it all up.

"Hey Phoebs! Are you ok babe?" I hurriedly blink away the droplets gathering in my lashes, as Cele's concerned gaze blurs into view.

"Y-yeah, just..."

"Hard exam?" Cele sympathises whilst I nod, and she hugs me.

"I know what will cheer you up! Coming to Andre's party tonight and getting pissed! I heard some of the Racer's Belt boys are going to be there, and they are HOT, I'm telling you." Cele exclaims passionately.

"Thanks... but I can't go."

"What! Why? Even Minnie's going!" Cele exclaims in shock.

"Don't remind me." Minnie grumbles as we wander through the main corridor towards the exit.

"Well... you remember I wanted to tell you something?" I begin uneasily, before pulling the girls over to the side so that we can have some privacy. "Well, you know that I, I love Lupine Peak. I really do. Although it has been stressful... seriously, I think I found a grey hair this morning! But that is beside the point. What I'm getting at is... I-I'm leaving. I have to go home..."

"What! No... You're like my sister!" Cele gasps, horrified.

"You can't go Phoebe! I'll miss you so much! Please say you are staying this summer break at least! Before college starts?" Minnie pleads.

"I... I wish I could... but I... I'm leaving... tomorrow. My flights booked." I tell them lamely.

"Tomorrow? Oh Phoebe..." Celestrina sighs before hurdling into my arms, quickly followed by Minnie.

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