Chapter 2: Waving Goodbye

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Damn. These past two weeks have been dragging with a capital D. I have not told dad, but I am secretly very excited to be going to live with Tammy. I have been conscientiously giving him the silent treatment all week to punish him for sending me away. He keeps trying to talk to me, and telling me that it is for my own good, but I will not back down. I am one stubborn bitch when I want to be. Truth be told, I am actually quite upset that he is shipping me off, pushing me out of his life. I guess I must be really worrying him for him to be taking such a drastic action.

A common misconception about me in all the fantasies I have read, is that as I am the daughter of Artemis, a Goddess, people expect me to be 'pure' and 'perfect'. Well I may be that on the outside, but on the inside... I am not. I am just as hard headed, stubborn, selfish and self-obsessed as the rest of the human race. I used to blame all of my bad tendencies on my human half, but I have come to realise as I have grown older, that no God or Goddess is perfect either. I inherited just as many imperfections from my mother as I did from my father. The difference is, I admit it. I choose to be the way I am because that is how I want to be. I do not want to be perfect. Perfect is not real. Everyone has flaws and scars which add up to make them beautiful. My mother herself has made many mistakes, which has hurt those around her. For example, coming to Earth was selfish on her behalf. Was the heartbreak for all involved worth it? However, even with her mistakes, she is still respected and sought after in Mount Olympus and on Earth.

My attention is brought back to the task in hand, when I encounter the stairs with my numerous bags. Today is the day I am moving to Wyoming to live with Tammy. A shiver of nervous anticipation rushes through my body as I contemplate on the adventures I will have over there. I have a feeling that I am in for a whirlwind of emotions and events. I am staying with Tammy for an unlimited amount of time, but it will be for at least six months until I finish my senior year. Tammy managed to get me enrolled into the local high school in short notice, which I still have my suspicions about. My bet is that the head master is totally into her, and decided to let me into his school to impress her. How totally cute! It's a story just waiting to be written!

Tammy runs her own salon – one of the only ones for miles – and is very successful doing it. She lives in a town called Lupine Peak, which is situated in the Bighorn Mountains, in Wyoming. She moved there about a year ago, after going on holiday and falling in love with the rugged landscape and quiet way of life. I have no idea why anyone would move to such a rural place, but I do know that it is very beautiful. There is eighteen miles between Lupine Peak and the nearest town, and it is very closed off. This, I assume is because it was originally a Were town. I believe that there is still a pack there, as Tammy has often commented on the strange, ethereal people that are often wandering around, close together in groups. She has also seen quite a few people brandishing bite marks on their necks, which are obviously that of mates. There are many warnings around the dainty town, cautioning not to travel alone at night in the woods, because of animal attacks. Tammy conspires about it though, thinking that they do not want any humans witnessing the transformation of were's. Were's typically only turn during the full moon, and when they are threatened, however it is not uncommon for one to want to 'stretch their legs' after not having shifted in a long time. How different my way of life will be! I can feel the excitement buzzing like bumble bees in my fingers, eager to travel and explore the secrets this place has kept hidden for centuries.

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