Chapter 15 - The First Shift

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Did you know that the moon is the earth's natural satellite? It is simply breath-taking; the finest ornament in the twinkling night sky

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Did you know that the moon is the earth's natural satellite? It is simply breath-taking; the finest ornament in the twinkling night sky. Tonight the full blue moon illuminates the tenebrous, starless sky as if the stars had ensconced themselves behind the dim, grey clouds. It is the night when the were's will transform into their wolfish counterpart, allowing them to become one with their true nature. It is also the first time Tammy will transform into her wolf, making this night even more sacred then usual. Just like with all first time shifters, she will have to be contained in a cage for her first shift, as her wolf is a new-born, and she obviously will not have complete control of it just yet.

Thankfully (and alarmingly), there is a basement (more like dungeon) underneath the palace. This means that Tammy will be able to shift in the comfort of her home away from home! It is safe to say that Tammy is not looking forward to being locked up in a cage, but understands that it is for the common good. She does not want to accidentally hurt anybody, and it is important that she does not hurt herself as well. Her body will be under enough stress and agony after shifting for the first time as it is. Over these past few days, Tammy's senses and features have sharpened, preparing her body for tonight. Shifting is actually very dangerous for a new-born wolf. Nine percent don't make it through their first shift, and an added three percent die due to fatal complications, such as getting stuck in the middle of a shift, or staying in wolf form for the first time for too long. The more times a wolf shifts the lower the death risk, until they are just as compatible to their wolf body as their human one. Were's with Alpha, Beta, Gamma or Delta blood have less risks, as they have the strongest bodies and bloodlines. However, the most dangerous shift is that of a human for the first time, as they have no were blood to sustain them.

For the most part, I have been able to swiftly avoid Alex, which isn't hard since he almost never seems to be here. He gets in late, and doesn't make an effort to talk over breakfast or at school, as if he doesn't want any contact with me. Oh well. It doesn't bother me. The only thing that annoys me is the way he keeps pinning me with those hungry, seductive eyes, as if taunting me to make the first move. Nah ah buddy, not going to happen. He's probably out late every night with his whores anyway. Why should I give him any time of day?

Even as I tell myself to stay away from him, I can't help but be drawn in by his kind behaviour towards Tammy. He has been a darling towards her. If she wasn't a committed, mated wolf, not to mention my sister, she might have a few less teeth right now. Alex has been coaching her and giving her friendly tips about what to expect when shifting for the first time, and has offered to be in the room with her, Brad and I tonight. If only he could talk to me with such loving words, maybe then we would have a chance at a relationship. But no, Tammy gets husband material Alex, and I get asshole, annoying, twat Alex instead. Even though I am trying my hardest to deny it, the soothing, caring Alex does spike my interest and make me wonder what other agreeable qualities he may have. It's just a shame he will never show them towards me!

"How are you feeling Tammy?" I ask her, watching her pace nervously around the bedroom clinging onto her mate's arm.

"Stressed, and scared." She admits.

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