Bonus Chapter 2 - Meeting The Parents

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I have never been a fan of air travel, but Alex's private plane does help. I am pretty freaking scared about meeting my Alex's parents, but it is an inevitable event; I am the heir to the throne as I'm mated to their son. According to Alex there is a ball being held in my honour tomorrow night, with some of the most influential and powerful were's and lycans in the world in attendance. I am quite nervous about my debut into society, but Ana who returned to Russia last week has promised me that there is nothing to worry about, and has helped plan the event. I guess if anything, it is pretty flattering having a whole ball dedicated to me. I'm sure I'll be bombarded with introductions and will have to follow royal protocol tomorrow night, but having Alex by my side will give me the strength to persevere through it.

As we got off the plane, (Vincent, Lucian and Sapphire travelled with us) a fleet of royal cars and bodyguards were waiting for us, reminding me once again that I'm no longer any ordinary bitch. I'm a rich, Queen bitch. Alex has me tucked securely under his shoulder, looking every bit the impressive, powerful prince he is with his dark shades, guarded domineer and nifty suit. Power radiates off him and has everyone but me baring their necks to him (well, us) submissively. He doesn't have to be speaking to be the loudest person in the room. A professional Lycan woman strides up to us carrying a clipboard, and bows respectively before directing us to the car we are taking. It is a long stretch black limo, complete with a bar and TV inside, as well as comfortable block seats, which could double up as beds. We start moving straight away, undercover Police cars in front and behind us, and police on motorbikes flanking us from the side. We certainly have an impressive entourage. However, if someone were to attack us we're not very inconspicuous – the numerous bodyguards and blackened windows basically shout out to all that someone very important is inside.

The drive from the airport to the Palace isn't too bad; about half an hour long. It is located in the Altai Mountains, remote and beautiful, standing proud overlooking a vast lake of beautiful shimmering waters and thick forests of green. The palace from a distance looks to be made entirely of glinting ice, but when we are close enough to touch it, I could see that it was made out of smooth white stone, looking like a crystal palace. It seemed to grow right out of the ground like a glacier, and it reflects the light like many shards of glass in the afternoon sun. It is high on the hill, its many pointed towers giving it the look of an eccentric crown. As big as twenty ordinary houses, it certainly is an impressive structure, standing superior above everything else.

It takes us ten minutes to be accepted entry through the surrounding stonewall, twenty feet up in the air topped with iron spikes and guarded day and night. Security certainly is tight. When we are finally allowed in, I roll down the window as we travel up the long driveway, passing through cherry blossom trees and a couple of modest outbuildings, which Alex informs me is servant accommodation. Closer to the house we pass multiple garages looking like manor houses, housing the most elite and expensive cars, as well as many horse stables next to a pasture. I spot an impressive lake through the trees to my left, surrounded with marble statues. The driveway leads to an ornate fountain which doubles as a roundabout, and a marble wolf shines in the sun in the centre of it, water shooting from its mouth.

As the limo pulls to a stop, a man dressed in a swish grey suit is already waiting on the milky white steps to the palace, ready to help us out. The man opens the door and offers his hand to me, which I gladly accept. Alex is out by my side in an instance, one arm firmly around my small waist. I am wearing a blush pink suit, the skirt gracefully falling to my knees, with delicate white heels that cost more money then Tammy's monthly wage. Diamonds grace my neck and ears, and simple white gloves cover my perfect nails.

Two strong snowy pillars, each the size of two Alex's hold up an extravagant balcony over-looking the grounds on the second floor, and conveniently providing shelter if the weather turns sour. A huge curved oak door, about twice the size of me opens instantaneously as Alex and I strut up towards it, revealing the large adjourning room, a wide-open space with marble walls and marble floors. Two sweeping staircases on each side of a magnificent chandelier, curving into an imposing balcony is the first thing that captures my attention, two lavish soft white carpets running through them. The stair rails are ornate mahogany, carved and polished so it shines, with little carvings of the story of the Lycan embedded into them, the masterpiece work of a prodigy craftsman. Suddenly I notice four elegantly dressed figures waiting on top of it, looking down at us. Ana squeals as we make eye contact, and rushes down the steps, hugging me tightly causing me to squeak.

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