Chapter 11: The Rambunctious Playboy

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I made sure not to give this 'Alex' guy any more time of day for his despicable actions

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I made sure not to give this 'Alex' guy any more time of day for his despicable actions. What an asshole he is! He certainly gives off an 'I-don't-give-a-fvck-about-anyone-but-me' kind of attitude. What a waste of a pretty face. I did not look at him at all throughout the rest of my dinner, and did not give him the pleasure of a glance as I left. I also definitely did not stay awake half the night with an ache between my legs, imagining what kind of decadent things his thick tongue could do to me there.

Nope. Definitely did not think about that at all.

In fact, I could go my whole life without ever thinking about him again. It is brilliant that I did not try to get to know him, and then find out that he is an imbecile. When I – wait! Son of a hairy biscuit! There he is, in all of his hotness. Let me update you on my situation. After wholeheartedly pleading with Mr Beckett to allow me to go to the toilet, he finally dismissed me, saying I had three minutes sharp. Every second counts. All I want is to wee in peace, and now I have to walk past that dazzling hunk whilst he is busy eating some girls face. Seriously people, get a goddess damn room! This is the fourth time I have seen him in two days. That is more then I can handle. Not because his presence affects me or anything, goddess no. Just because he seems to light the fire to my anger in the most irksome ways possible.

Come on Phoebe, you have two minutes and three seconds left! Sucking it up, I confidently walk along the hallway, but for some stupid reason my eyes peer over to Alex and the slut. His eyes connect with mine, and I feel a strange emotion blooming inside of me, until the brunette detaches herself from Alex and sends me a glare.

"Dani, babe, run along to class now would you?" Alex asks the girl in his sultry, deep voice. Damn, everything about him is just oozing sex.

"Ok Alex baby. But my names Sara remember! Call me?" She asks.

"Nope." He bluntly tells her.

"Hehe, you're so funny darling, hear from you later!" She purrs.

He does not even know her name, and yet she is all over him. What is wrong with the girl? Was she dropped on her head at birth? Have some self-respect goddess damn it! Some people are so desperate and stupid. Not me though. People work for my heart, not the other way around. I pretend I am not listening to Alex or whoever the girl is conversation, and follow her along the hall to where I know the bathroom is.

Until he calls my name.

"Phoebe Johnson." I freeze in my tracks. Why does my name roll off his tongue like dripping honey? Why does everything have to be so sexual with him? After a second or two of composing myself, I spin around to face him, standing opposite him.

"Yes?" I ask.

"I'm Alex. I know you've heard about me. I saw you eye raping me last night at the restaurant. If you stared any longer I was going to have to charge." He winks at me.

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