Chapter 39 - Awakened to Pain

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As my eyes flutter open, I cannot think about anything other then how shitty I feel

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As my eyes flutter open, I cannot think about anything other then how shitty I feel. What the fvck happened? I cannot feel half of my face or neck, and the rest of my body is in so much pain I actually wish I were dead. I need drugs, and I need them now! Panicking, I whimper as my blurry sight tries to focus. All sounds are distant and muted, almost like how it feels as a plane descends and your ears are all messed up. Oh my goddess. Was I on a plane? Was I involved in a plane crash? Am I the only survivor? Goddess I hope so, what if someone makes a movie about me? That would be the pinnacle of cool. Wait... I mean, I don't want people to die just so someone would make a movie about me but... you get the gist. I need something sweet to happen to make all of this pain worth it!

I manage to make out a door built into the wall in front of me, a dark grey colour and shut. Two pictures sit on each side of the door, mounted into the plain grey walls, and a TV is placed at the end of my bed. I try to push my neck down, when a paroxysm of pain explodes from my neck, triggering a guttural cry to erupt from my mouth. My vision goes blurry as I bite back tears, when I feel someone caressing my face, gently laying my head back. Their touch feels so good... so warm... so comforting.

"Hey, hey, hey, baby just relax. I'll call the nurse." The person soothes me, their voice deep and masculine.

Moments later, I feel another person's presence in the room, before my hand is fiddled with, and I finally feel some relief. The pain throbs everywhere, and it's deep and warm – but not in a nice way. It feels like someone is milking my organs, sucking my life force out of me. A small prick of pain pings in my neck, before cool, soothing relief sweeps over me like the feeling of finding an oasis in a desert. A glass of water is pushed against my lips, and I practically inhale the sustenance, cooling my burning insides. As I swallow, my ears crackle and pop and suddenly sound becomes clearer to me.

"Phoebe? It's me, Alex. Can you hear me baby? You're in the hospital."

All of a sudden as if Alex is the key to the lock, my memories fulminate back into my mind. I was freaking taken and abused by rogues, after being involved in a car accident! Shit! No wonder I feel like I was run over by a bus then ripped apart by a cluster of rapacious bears! Oh my word... Alex is here besides me! Actually here!

He is always able to awaken the most powerful feelings within me... Just being near him lights me up inside, giving me a serenity I can never know without him being close. It's as if the breaths I take aren't full when he is away, as if the smiles I smile are incomplete somehow. Now that I see him, one hand clasping mine like he's scared I'll fade away, and the other caressing my cheek, whilst staring fretfully at me, I wonder how I ever survived without him. Now I realise how much I truly missed him... I cannot believe we have spent so much time apart. How did I live without seeing him, touching him, loving him every day?

But then I remember.

I coped because it was for him, and his happiness. He doesn't need me. He needs his erasthai; she is his chosen one for a reason. She was quite literally made for him; a match made in heaven. With these thoughts, my mood plummets, and the pain increases, even though I was just dosed up on painkillers.

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