Chapter 26 - Fighting for Family

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Power is intoxicating

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Power is intoxicating. There is no doubt about it. Just the feeling of a vast amount of power encompassing you is so empowering and hallucinogenic, it is no wonder that some people start to crave the feeling, becoming more and more greedy and corruptive with each passing moment. You just have to be strong enough to say enough is enough.

Almost instantaneously after I cried out for help from my mother in my mind, the moon began to glow blindingly, like a white version of the sun, then it's silvery, shimmering rays shot out like a beam, and penetrated into my body. I daren't breathe, as I feel the power swirl into me, gushing with the force of a tidal wave. It does not hurt, but it is safe to say it is a really peculiar feeling! Looking down I almost freak out at the way my entire body is glowing a ghostly white, but I know that my mother would not do anything to hurt me. In fact, I feel stronger and more powerful then before. All of a sudden the rays stop, like a light switch was turned off, but the moon still glows ethereally against the black night's sky decorated with blinking fairy lights, reassuring me that I am not alone.

Taking a deep breath, I step out into the line of four rogues, sent out to search the area, already looking disturbed by the moons unusual behaviour, but absolutely terrified when they see me. Their eyes widen in horror, and even from the distance I am standing away from them, I can see my white silhouette in the dilated pupils of their eyes. Not giving them the chance to scream or warn the others, with the stealth of an experienced assassin I lurch forward, impaling two through the lung with a perforated branch I rip from a tree, and efficiently snap the necks of the other two. Woah... where did that come from? My mother must have gifted me with the skill set and knowledge of an adroit warrior, as I know exactly what to do, and how to kill someone in the quietest, most efficient way. I don't stop to think about how disturbing this all is.

I am closer then ever to the clearing, the fire still raging in a red and orange ball of wrath, with plumes of grey buffeting up into the night sky, helpfully assisting in covering some of my scent up. But I know it won't last long. Seeing Alex so close to the boundary of breaking is really heart breaking, and I know the only reason he is holding onto the last thread of his humanity is to keep his baby sister safe. Jordan is in a similar situation, perhaps even worse as he is visibly shaking, tufts of hair sprouting from different parts of his body as he truly is between forms right now. His mate is in danger, and his lycan will stop at nothing to destroy those who want to harm her. Knowing that neither of them will be able to hold onto their humanity for much longer, and conscious of the fact that Brad is passed out on the floor, I take a deep breath and stalk out towards the clearing.

Whispers of worry reach my ears as I manoeuvre myself through the trees, the leaves feeling like wet dog's tongues scraping against my skin. I don't run, I don't rush; I simply stalk towards my prey. Different rogues are murmuring amongst themselves, including Jacinda who calls out a shrill 'who's there'. There is no doubt that they know I am coming now. The anticipation of the horror and petrified looks on the rogues faces feeds my excitement, and I let a blood-curdling grin creep onto my face, as I think about the kills I am about to make. There is nothing sweeter then revenge; it is like a balm to a tortured soul.

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